TM 11-6625-2709-12
1-9. Common Names.
Common name
Test set
Radio Test Set TS-2500B/ARM-92
Test set cover
Test Set Cover CW-878A/ARM-92B
Aid box
Aircraft Test Set Wiring Harness TS-250l/ARM-92
Control unit
Radio Set Control C-6873B/ARN-82
OBS indicator
Course Indicator ID-1347C/ARN-82B
Control unit test cable
Electrical Cable Assembly W-2/ARM-92B
Radio magnetic indicator (RMI)
RMI Indicator ID-250A/ARN-82
AN/ARN-123 test cable
Special Adapter Cable CX-13034/AR
Power cable
Electrical Power Cable Assembly CX-11568/ARM-92
Special Adapter Cable CX-13035/AR
1-10. Description of Radio Test Set AN/ARM-92B.
mounts in the center of the test set front panel.
The power switch is concentric with the megahertz
Radio Test Set AN/ARM-92B includes a test set
selector, and the VOL (volume) control is concentric
with the kilohertz selector. These controls, selec-
tors, and switches remotely control the power, fre-
a. The test set of Radio Test Set AN/ARM-92B
quency, and volume of the receiver. The frequency
indicator on the control unit front panel displays
the frequency to which the receiver is tuned. All
1388A/ARN-82 (receiver), Radio Receiving Set
electrical connections between the control unit and
AN/ARN-123, and Radio Receiver R-1963/ARN.
the test set are made through a connector on the
b. The aid box, used without the test set, checks
back of the control unit. This control unit is also a
the wiring harness in an aircraft installation.
part of Radio Receiving Set AN/ARN-82B.
c. The test set, used with the aid box, provides
c. RMI (Radio Magnetic Indicator). The RMI (fig.
operational checks for the control unit. When con-
l-l) mounts on the center
left-hand side of the
nected to the test set, the aid box allows perfor-
set front panel. The RMI will give three indications,
mance checking of various circuits in the test set.
but the test set utilizes only two of the indications.
Each of the two needles on the RMI can indicate
1-11. Description of Major Assemblies.
the bearing signals received from the separate
receivers, but when the RMI is used in the test set,
a. Radio Test Set TS-2500B/ARM-92. The test
both needles indicate the same bearing signal
set (fig. l-l) is portable and can be used wherever
received from one receiver. The entire dial on the
27.5-volt dc and 115-volt, 400-Hz power is available.
RMI rotates to indicate heading. All electrical con-
When the test set cover is raised or removed, the
nections between the RMI and the test set are made
sloping front panel of the test set is exposed. The
through a connector on the back of the RMI.
test set is used while mounted in the lower half of
d. OBS (Omnibearing Selector) Indicator. T h e
its fiber-glass case. A pendant cable from the test
OBS indicator (fig. l-l) mounts on the center right-
set provides all circuit connections between the
hand side of the test set front panel. It has. a non-
receiver and the test set. A storage compartment
reflecting black finish with white markings and
for this cable, and for the power cable, is located at
p o i n t e r s , and red warning flags with black
the rear of the test set. All operating controls,
markings. The dial glass has an antistatic and an-
switches, indicators, and meters are located on the
tireflective coating. The OBS indicator provides a
front panel.
reference for the receiver under test to select a
d e s i r e d course from a simulated very-high-
Note: A
frequency selection
switch is located on
the rear of
frequency omnidirectional radio range (VOR)
the OBS and must be set in proper position (zeroed for R-
1388/ARN-82 or R-1388A/ARN-82) before test set is utilized.