FIELD (FOURTH ECHELON) AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE MANUALGeneral Support and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tools ListsGeneral Support and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists - continued - TM-11-6625-496-450004Figure 9. Tests in selector switch positions A. 2..3, and 7. simplified schematic diagram.Figure 10.1. Test in selector switch position 19. simplified schematic diagram.General Support and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists - continued - TM-11-6625-496-450007Figure 11.2. Selector switch S7901, wiring diagram General Support and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists - continued - TM-11-6625-496-450009Figure 15. Test Set, Radio TS-1777/VRM-1 and TS-1777A/VRM-1 front panel chassis, top view.General Support and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists - continued - TM-11-6625-496-450011General Support and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tool ListAppendix II. GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTSpecial Information - TM-11-6625-496-450018SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450019SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450020SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450021SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450022SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450023SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450024SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450025SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450026SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450027SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450028SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450029SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450030SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450031SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450032SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450033SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450034SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450035SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450036SECTION II REPAIR PARTS FOR DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT. AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-496-450037SECTION III INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6625-496-450038SECTION III INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6625-496-450039SECTION III INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6625-496-450040SECTION III INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6625-496-450041SECTION III INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6625-496-450042SECTION III INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6625-496-450043SECTION III INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6625-496-450044SECTION III INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6625-496-450045SECTION III INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6625-496-450046SECTION III INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6625-496-450047SECTION III INDEX-FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER CROSS REFERENCE TO FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION - TM-11-6625-496-450048Section IV. Index-Reference Designation Cross Reference to Page Number - TM-11-6625-496-450049Section IV. Index-Reference Designation Cross Reference to Page Number - TM-11-6625-496-450050Section IV. Index-Reference Designation Cross Reference to Page Number - TM-11-6625-496-450051Section IV. Index-Reference Designation Cross Reference to Page Number - TM-11-6625-496-450052Section IV. Index-Reference Designation Cross Reference to Page Number - TM-11-6625-496-450053Figure 40. Test Set, Radio AN/VRM-1, components and running spares.Figure 41. Branched power cable, partially disassembled.Figure 42. Test set, case removed, three-quarter view from bottomFigure 43. Audiofrequency amplifier printed circuit card A7400.Figure 44. Teat set, case removed, adjustable components, rear view.Figure 45 11.5-MHz amplifier printed circuit card A7600.Figure 46. Case, test set removed, gaaket and bumpers (AN/VRM-1).Figure 47. Test Set, Radio AN/VRM-1A, case cover and instruction plates.Figure 49. Test Set, Radio AN/VRM-1, cover components.Figure 51. Ted set, case removed, three-quarter view from top.Figure 52. Band pass filter printed circuit card A7500.Figure 53. Test probe assembly.Figure 54.n Test set, front panel and chassis, chassis bottom plate removed, rear view.Figure 55. Test set, front panel and chassis, bottom view.Figure 56. Test set, front panel and chassis, left view.Figure 57. Test probe, radiofrequency preamplifier.]Figure 58. Teat set, front panel and chassis, top view.Figure 59. Lamp driving gates printed circuit card 7800.Figure 60. Radiofrequency amplifier printed circuit card A 7700.GS and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Took ListsFigure 10.1. Test in selector switch position 19, simplified schematic diagramFigure 11. Selector Switch S7902, wiring diagram - TM-11-6625-496-450077Figure 11.1. Test Set, Radio TS-1777A/VRM-1Selector Switch Position 1.Figure 23.1. TS-1777A/VRM-1 (and later production units of TS-1777/VRM-1), bottom view and location of adjustable controls.Selector Switch Position 1 - continued - TM-11-6625-496-450081Selector Switch Position 1 - continued - TM-11-6625-496-450082Figure30-1. Assembly A7500 in TS-1777A/VRM-1 in later production waits of T S - 1 7 7 7 / V R M - 1 , parts locationSelector Switch Position 1 - continued - TM-11-6625-496-450084Order of the Secretary of the Army - TM-11-6625-496-450085Field (Fourth Echoion) and Depot Maintenance ManualSection II. DEPOT INSPECTION STANDARDSTest Facilities RequiredFigure 34.1. (Added) Special junction box.Figure 34.2. (Added) Special test cable.Audio Voltage TestFigure 34.5. (Added) Audio voltage test setup, block diagramAmplifier, 11.5-Mc, TestsFigure 34.6. (Added) RF voltage leads setup, block diagramAmplifier, 47. 0-MC, TestFigure 39.1. TS-1777A/VRM-1 and later production units of TS-1777/VRM-1 , schematic diagramFigure 38.2. TS-1777A/VRM-1 and later production units of TS-1777A/VRM-1, Power distribution diagramFigure 39.2. TS-1777A/VRM-1 schematic diagramFigure 38.1. TS-1777A/VRM-1and later production units of TS-1777/VRM-1, power distribution diagramTEST SET, RADIO AN/VRM-1Chapter 1. THEORYAudio AmplifierFigure 1. Audio amplifier, schematic diagram.Figure 2. Amplifier, 11.6-mc, schematic diagram.Figure 3. Amplifier, 5.65-mc, schematic diagram.Test Probe Rf PreamplifierVoltage Supply Limits Sensing CircuitSchmitt Trigger CircuitFigure 7. Schmitt trigger circuit, schematic diagram.Figure 8. Line voltage sensing circuit, schematic diagram.Selector Switch Position 2Figure 9 . Testing selector switch positions A, 2, 3, and 7, simplified schematic diagram .Selector Switch Position 8Figure 10. Tests in selector switch positions 8, 12, 13, 16, and 18 simplified schematic diagram.Selector Switch Positions 16 and 17Chapter 2. FOURTH ECHELON MAINTENANCESection Il. TROUBLESHOOTINGTroubleshooting Chart. - TM-11-6625-496-450121Troubleshooting Chart. - continued - TM-11-6625-496-450122Troubleshooting Chart. - continued - TM-11-6625-496-450123Isolating Troubles in Switch S7902Figure 11. Selector switch S7902, wiring diagram - TM-11-6625-496-450125Figue 12. Test Set, Radio TS-177/VRM-1, upper left oblique view.Figure 13. Test Set, Radio TS-1777/VRM-1, lower left oblique view.Replacement of Chassis Bottom PlateReplacement of Diode CR7902 Replacement of Switch S7902.Figure 15. Test Set, Radio TS-1777/VRM-1 front panel chassis, top v i e w .Figure 17. Test Set, Radio TS-1777/VRM-1 f r o n t panel and chassis, bottom view.Figure 18. Test Set, Radio TS-1777/VRM-1 case with f r o n t panel and chassis removed.Figure 19. Test probe cable, disassembled.Section IV. FINAL ADJUSTMENTSFigure 21. Fabrication of special test cables.Audio Circuits Circuits 11.5-mcSection V. FOURTH ECHELON TESTING PROCEDURESTest Equipment.Physical Test and InspectionFigure 24. Power TestsPower TestFigre 25. audio amplifier testaudio amplifier testFigure 26. 26. 5.65-mc amplifier tests5.65-mc amplifier testsFigure 27. 11.5-mc amplifiers tests 11.5-mc amplifiers testsFigure 28. 47.0-mc amplifier tests47.0-mc amplifier testsSummary of Test Data - TM-11-6625-496-450154Chapter 3. FIFTH ECHELON MAINTENANCEIsolation.Isolating Troubles in Assembly A7500Isolating Troubles in Assembly A7600Figure 30. Assembly A 7600, parts locationIsolating Troubles in Assembly A7700Gain Test for 47-Mc Amplifier.Isolating Trouble in Assembly A7800Voltage Supply Limits Sensing Circuit TestsFigure 32.. Assembly A 7700, parts location.Section II. FIFTH ECHELON TESTING PROCEDURESPower TestsAmplifier Tests, 5.65-McAmplifier Test, 47.0-McAppendix. REFERENCES - TM-11-6625-496-450169Figure 35. Color code markings for MIL-STD resistorsFigure 36. Color Code Markings for MIL-STD CapcitorsFigure 37. Test Set, Radio AN/VRM-1, block diagramFigure 38. Test Set, Radio AN/VRM-1, power distribution diagramFigure 39. Test Set Radio TS-1777/VRM-1, schematic diagramINDEX - TM-11-6625-496-450175INDEX - continued - TM-11-6625-496-450176TM-11-6625-496-45 - index