TM 11-6625-828-45
No maximum readings on RF
Probable cause
Corrective, action
meter M101 with MODULATION
Improper output from RF unit Z104.
Check electron tubes V108, V109, and
switch S102 set to 30-, .MC
Defective meter Ml 02.
switch S105 set to A, and
Defective electron tubes V108, V109,
Replace defective tube. Check other
screwdriver adjustments made at
and VIO0.
circuit details of Z104. Replace
PLATE and GRID holes marked
Defective crystal Y102.
defective parts.
Defective capacitor trimmers C143A
Replace meter.
No Maximum readings on RF
and C149A.
Replace defective tubes.
meter M101 with MODULATION
Defective coils T.112, L,1j4, and
Replace crystal.
switch S102 set to 30w, MC
Replace defective trimmers.
switch S105 set to B, and
Defective switch S105.
Replace defective coils.
screwdriver adjustments made at
Defective electron tube V 08, V109, or
Replace switch. Check other circuit
PLATE and GRID holes marked
details of RF unit Z104. Replace
Defective crystal Y101.
defective parts.
RF meter M101 needle does not
Defective capacitor trimmers C143B
Replace defective tube.
respond to movement of RF
and C149B.
Replace crystal.
LEVEL SET control R119 and
Defective coils I,i12, L114, and 1,115.
Replace defective trimmers.
cannot be aligned with the meter
Defective switch S10,.
Replace defective coils.
Defective resistors R117 and R118.
Replace switch. Check other circuit
%M meter M102 needle does
Defective potentiometer R119.
details of RF unit Z104. Replace
not respond to movement of
Defective electron tubes V109 and
defective parts.
99606 MOD control R109 with
Replace defective resistors.
MODULA- TION switch S102 at
Defective coils L116, L118, 1,119, and
Replace potentiometer.
the 9960- position and cannot be
Replace defective tubes.
aligned with the meter green line.
Defective capacitors C150, C154,
Replace defective coils.
%M meter M102 needle does
C155, C156, and C157.
Replace defective capacitors. Check
not respond to movement of 30-
Defective meter M101.
other circuit details of RF unit
MOD control of R131 with
Defective potentiometer R109.
Z104. Replace defective parts.
MODULA- TION switch S102 at
Defective capacitors C109, C110, or
Replace meter.
Check other
the 30- posi- tion and cannot be
details of meter circuit.
aligned with the meter green line.
Defective electron tube V102.
Replace defective parts.
Defective resistors R112 and R115.
Replace potentiometer.
Defective RF unit Z104.
Replace defective capacitors.
Defective meter M102.
Replace tube.
Defective switch S102.
Replace defective resistors.
Defective potentiometer R131.
Check circuit details of RF unit. Re-
Defective electron tube V103.
place defective parts. Replace
Defective diodes CR103 and CR104.
meter. Check details of meter
Defective switch S102.
circuit. Replace defective parts.
Defective electron tube V104.
Replace switch.
Defective ratio detector-discriminator
Replace potentiometer.
Replace tube.
Defective potentiometer R138.
Replace defective diodes. Check de-
Defective 30-cycle filter 15' network
tails of variable amplifier and
Defective switch S191.
defective parts.
Defective resistors R161 and R'31.
Replace switch.
Replace tube.
Check details of Z101 circuit. Replace
defective parts.
Replace potentiometer.
Check details of 30 filter and 15'
network circuits. Replace defective
Replace switch.
Replace defective resistor.