TM 11-6625-828-45
Figure 3-1. Location of major components and associated parts.
(2) Replace and tighten knurled nut H16, on
(8) Replace the tone wheel cover and secure
coil stud MP161.
with the eight screws.
d. Replace the tone generator on the chassis as
(3) Replace and tighten hexagonal nut H 164.
(4) Use an Allen wrench to tighten two
setscrews H166 on support MP164.
(1) Lift the tone generator and lower it down to
(5) Carefully replace tone wheel E1O01 back
the chassis in its proper position.
on the motor shaft, and then replace tone wheel E1O1A
(2) Insert the three screws through the
back on the motor shaft.
vibration mounts and tighten with a screwdriver.
(6) Secure the tone wheels with three
(3) Carefully replace the tone wheel cover
setscrews H158.
back on the tone generator.
(7) Perform the alignment procedures outlined
(4) Solder the wire leads back on terminal