TM 11-6625-828-45
Following is a list of references available to the GS and depot maintenance technician of the AN/ARM-5A:
DA Pam 310-4
Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Manuals (types 7, 8, and
9), Supply Bulletins, and Lubrication Orders.
DA Pam 310:7
U.S. Army Equipment Index of Modification Work Orders.
CTA 50-970
Expendable Items (Except: Medical, Class V, Repair Parts and Heraldic Items). I
TB SIG 222
TB SIG 355-1
Depot Inspection Standard for Repaired Signal Equipment.
TB SIG 355-2
Depot Inspection Standard for Refinishing Repaired Signal Equipment.
TB SIG 3553
Depot Inspection Standard for Moisture and Fungus Resistant Treatment.
TM 11-5826-215-12
Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Receiving Set, Radio AN/ARN-
30D and AN/ARN-30E.
TM 11-6625-212-15
Operator, Organizational, DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair
Parts and Special Tool Lists: Frequency Meters AN/USM-26 and ANIUSM-26A.
TM 11-6625-274-12
Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Test Sets, Electron Tube TV-7/U,
TV-7AIU, TV-7B/U, and TV-7D/U.
TM 11-6625320-12
Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Voltmeter, Meter ME-30A/U and
Voltmeters, Electronic ME-30B/U, ME-30C/U, and ME-30E/U.
TM 11-6625-66-15
Operator's, Organizational, DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Manual: Multimeter TS-
TM 11-6625508-10
Operator's Manual: Signal Generators ANIfSM-44 and AN/USM-44A.
TM 11-6625-524-14
Operator, Organizational and Field Maintenance Manual: Voltmeter, Electronic
TM 11-6625-524-15-1
Operator, Organizational, DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Manual: Electronic
Voltmeter AN/URM-145.
TM 116625 535-151
Organizational, DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and
Special Tools List: Oscilloscopes AN/USM-140B, AN/USM-140C, ANIUSM-141A,
and AN/USM-141B.
TM 11-6625 609-14
Operator's, Organizational, Direct Support, and General Support Maintenance Manual:
TM 11-6625454-14
Operator's, Organizational, Direct Support, and General Support Maintenance Repair
Parts and Special Tool Lists (Including Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and
TM 11-6625 700-10
Operator's Manual: Digital Readout, Electronic Counter ANfUSM-207.
TM 1166252812
Operator's and Organizational Maintenance (Including Repair Parts and Special Tool
Lists): Test Set, Radio AN/ARM-5A.
TM 11-6625-1703-15
Operator, Organizational, DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair
TM 38-750
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS).
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