TM 11-6625-2632-14-1
b. The detector circuit, which is a halfwave
parallel with the meter and when the switch is set
to 243.0/282.8, A1A1R2 is in parallel with the
rectifying circuit,
applies a dc level which iS
proportional to signal strength, through switch
c. The output from the feedthru (A2A2E1) that
A1A1S1 to meter A1M1 in parallel with variable
r e s i s t o r A1A1R1 or A1A1R2. The variable
acts as an internal transmitting antenna is picked
up by the internal antenna probe (A2E2) which is
located approximately 2-1/4 inches away. The rf
ammeter A1M1 registers in the green portion of its
signal level at antenna probe A2E2 is attenuated
dial, marking when the signal from the trans-
b y the pickup circuit and coupled through
mitting radio set is at an acceptable level. The
RECEIVER connector A2J2 to the radio set under
test .
121.5 MHz and 243.0/282.8 MHz so when switch
A 1 A 1 S 1 is set to 121.5 MHz, A1A1R1 is in