TM 11-6625-2950-13
(5) Connect cable assembly W2 to interconnecting
(3) Connect cable
W4 to interconnecting
box connector J1, and air cooler connector J2.
box connector J4, and
uhf radio
control connector J1.
(6) Connect cable assembly W1 to interconnecting
(4) Connect cable
W5 to interconnecting
box connector J5, and 27.5 vdc and 115 vac, 60 Hz power
box connector J3, and
connector J1.
ing box connector J4, and uhf radio control connector
F Ollo W the procedure as outlined in TM 11-5841-286-
e. Disconnect cable assembly W3 from interconnect-
13 for testing the uhf receiver-transmitter and uhf radio
connector J1.
f. Disconnect air cooler from power supply section of
uhf receiver-transmitter.
2-9. Repacking the Test Set Group
Prior to removing any cables insure that both
a. Place the five cable assemblies in the connecting
CB1 DC and CB2 AC are in the OFF positions
cable storage case.
a n d the external power supplies have been
turned off.
Care should be taken when placing the cable
a, Disconnect cable assembly W1 from interconnect-
assemblies in the storage compartment. Place
ing box connector J5, and external power supplies.
the cables so that none of the plugs are over-
b. Disconnect cable assembly W2 from interconnect-
ing box connector J1, and air cooler connector J2.
b. Lock the connecting cable storage case.
c. Disconnect cable assembly W5 from interconnect-
c. P l a c e t h e i n t e r c o n n e c t i n g b o x , a t t e n u a t o r , a i r .
ing box J3, and indicator connector J1.
cooler, indicator, and headset adapter in the transit case.
d. Disconnect cable assembly W4 from interconnect-
d. Close and lock the transit case.