TM 11-6625-441-34
INTER, interphone relay K1 of the interphone
switch S4, across load resistor R3 and to ground;
control energizes, and when switch S6 is placed
terminal 23 audio output signal is applied direct
and held in HD MIC, a voice signal spoken into
to the headset.
the mike is applied direct to interphone relay K
into headset amplifier A2. Headset amplifier A2
the interphone control, 28 Vdc power is applied to
audio output is applied across terminals 5, 8, and
S5A of switch S5 through switch S7, fuse F1 and
lamp 13. When switch S5 is placed to positions 1
23 of J1. Terminal 5 audio output signal is ap-
through 4 on TS-1588/AIC and 1 through ALTN
plied to the R position of switch S2 and then to
on TS-1588A/AIC, and switch S1 is placed and
contacts 2 and 3 of switch S6, across contacts B2
and B3 of interphone test set relay K1 and into
are energized and lamp 13 goes on, indicating that
the headset; simultaneous with the activity of
the keying operation is being accomplished.
terminal 5 audio output signal, terminal 8 audio
output signal is applied to the INTER contact of