1-5. Location of Repair Parts
a. This manual contains two cross-reference
R--Repair parts and assemblies that are eco-
indexes (sees. III and IV) to be used to locate
nomically repairable at DSU and GSU
a repair part when either the Federal stock
activities and are normally furnished
number, reference number (manufacturer's
by supply on an exchange basis.
part number), or reference designation is
T--High-dollar value recoverable repair parts
known. The first column in each index is pre-
which are subject to special handling
pared in numerical or alphanumerical sequence
and are issued on an exchange basis.
in ascending order. Where a federal stock num-
Such repair parts normally are repaired
ber is not listed, refer to the reference number
or overhauled at depot maintenance ac-
(manufacturer's part number) immediately
following the Federal stock number column.
b. Federal Stock Number, Column Z. This
b. When the Federal stock number or refer-
column indicates the Federal stock number as-
ence number is known, follow the procedures
signed to the item and will be used for requi-
given in (1) and (2) below.
sitioning purposes.
(1) Refer to the index of Federal stock
c. Description, Column 3. This column indi-
numbers (sec. HI) and locate the Federal stock
cates the Federal item name and any additional
description of the item required. A part number
number or reference number. The Federal stock
number or reference number is cross-referenced
or other reference number is followed by the
applicable five-digit Federal supply code for
to the applicable figure and reference designa-
manufacturers in parentheses.
(2) When the reference designation is de-
d. Unit of Meaaure (U/M), Column 4. A two-
termined, refer to the reference designation
character alphabetic abbreviation indicating the
amount or quantity of the item upon which the
index (sec. IV). The reference designations are
allowances are based, e.g., ft, ea, pr, etc.
listed in alphanumeric ascending order and are
cross-referenced to the page number on which
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit, Column 5.
they appear in the repair parts list (see II).
This column indicates the quantity of the item
Refer to the page number noted in the index
used in the AN/VRM-1 and AN/VRM-1A.
f. Allowances (30-Day DS/GS Maintenance,
and locate the reference designation in the re-
pair parts list (col. 10b).
1 Year Per Equipment (Contingency), and De-
c. When the reference designation is known,
pot Maintenance) Columns 6, 7, 8, and 9. Items
authorized for requisition as required are
follow the procedures given in b(2) above.
d. When neither the Federal stock number,
identified with an asterisk in the allowance
reference number, nor reference designation is
known, identify the part in the illustration and
g. Illustrations, Column 10. This column is
follow directions given in c above; or scrutinize
divided as follows:
column 3 of the repair parts list (sec. H).
(1) Figure number, column 10a. Indicates
the figure number in which the item is shown.
1-6. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
(2) Item number or reference designation,
column 10b. Indicates the reference designation
used to identify the item in the illustration.
13467 ---- . . . Electrospace Corporation
ITT Cannon Electric, Inc.
71468 ----
1-4. Special Information
Dialight Corporation
Identification of the usable on codes included in
E. F. Johnson Co.
74970 -
column 3 of section II are-
. Army Electronics Command .
Used on-
Procurement and Produc-
A - - - - - - ------ ------ ------ - A N / V R M - 1
tion Directorate
B ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ A N / V R M - 1 A
8 0 2 9 4 - - - - - Bourns, Inc.
81349 .- -- Military Specifications
Aeronautical Standards
Where no usable codes are indicated,
Military Standards
96906 .-
item is applicable to all models.