56. Isolating Troubles in Assembly A7500
(3) Adjust the TS-382F/U frequency to
100 cps while maintaining an ME-
30 B/U indication of 50 mv. A nor-
mal indication should be +1.5 volts
a. Checking Inductor L7501, Potenti-
dc 0.4.
ometer R7501, and Capacitor C7503.
(4) Adjust the TS-382F/U frequency to
(1) Remove assembly A7500 from the
3,000 cps while maintaining an ME-
30 B/U indication of 50 mv. A nor-
mal indication should be +3.0 volts
L7501, potentiometer R750.1, and
dc 0.4.
capacitor C7501 to locate the faulty
(5) If the indications obtained in (3) and
(4) above are normal, trouble iso-
b. Filter FL7501 Insertion Loss.
lation is complete.
(1) C o n n e c t a 50-ohm 5-percent, 1-
(6) If the indications obtained in (3) or
(4) above are low, proceed to d
connector P7501-C and P7501-D.
d. Isolation.
t e r m i n a l s and the input terminals
(1) A d j u s t the TS-382F/U for a fre-
of Wide Band Amplifier 460AR and
quency of 1,000 cps at a level of
160 mv as indicated on the ME-
connector P7501-M and P7501-L.
(3) C o n n e c t the AN/USM-26 to the
(2) Measure the listed signal and dc
voltages given in the chart below to
isolate the faulty part. Measure the
5.65 mc 100 cps as indicated on
a c voltages with an ME-30B/U;
the AN/USM-26 for a 0-db indica-
m e a s u r e the dc voltages with an
tion on the 411A.
ME -26B/U.
(5) Move the 411A to connector P7501-
(a) Signal voltage chart.
C and P7501-D, and record the db
i n d i c a t i o n . A normal indication
Circuit junction
Signal Voltage (rms)
noted should be an insertion loss
of 6 db or less.
160 mv
160 mv
Q7401 base
(a) If the indication obtained exceeds
160 mv
Q7401 emitter
the 6-db insertion loss, replace
10 mv
Q7402 base
filter FL7501.
Q7402 collector
2.5 v
9 mv
Q7403 base
(b) If the indication is normal, pro-
ceed to c below.
(b) DC voltage chart.
(1) Per for m the procedures given
+dc voltage to
Circuit junction
ground (Volts)
i n b(l) through (3) above. -
Q7401 base
to 5.6555 mc to 100 cps as indi-
Q7401 emitter
cated by the AN/USM-26 and for
Q7402 base
a 0-db indication on the 411A.
Q7402 collector
(3) Move the 411A to connector P7501-
Q7403 base
Q7403 emitter
C and P7501-D. The normal in-
2 . 0 (rectified
dication should be less than 6 db
(3) Remove the test signal and set the
(4) Move the 411A to connector P7501-
T S - 1 7 7 7 / V R M - 1 ON-OFF switch
M and P5701-L and adjust the 606A
to OFF.
frequency to 5.6554 mc 100 cps as
(4) Replace the faulty part.
indicated by the AN/USM-26 and
(5) R e p e a t b and c above.
for a 0-db indication on the 411A.