63. Power Tests
quency to 1,000 cps and connect it
to the test probe.
Check the ability of the TS-1777/VRM-l
(3) Connect the ME-30B/U across the
to test power circuits as directed below.
TS-382F/U output.
a. Preparation.
b. Position 3 Test.
(1) Insert the test probe tip in test jack
(1) Turn the selector switch to 3.
A, turn the selector switch to A,
(2) Adjust the TS-382 F/U for an output
and check to be sure that the
of 1.4 volts ac as indicated by the
GREEN indicator lights.
ME-30B/U. The RED indicator
(2) Connect the output of the 721A to
should be lighted.
t h e test probe
(3) Increase the audio output to 2.85
b. Dc Test, +16- Volt.
volts. The GREEN light should be
(1) Turn the selector switch to A.
(2) Increase Transistor Power Supply
C . Position 4 Test.
721A output voltage.
(1) Turn the selector switch to 4.
(a) The RED indicator should light
(2) Adjust the TS-382F/U for an output
before +7.0 volts is reached.
of 7.0 volts ac as indicated by the
(b) The GREEN indicator should re-
ME-30B/U. The RED indicator
main lighted between +14.2 and
should be lighted.
+17.6 volts.
( 3 ) Increase the output of the TS-
(c) The RED indicator should light
382 F/U to 13.3 volts. The GREEN
and remain lighted above +17.6
indicator should be lighted.
volts .
d. Position 5 Test.
c. Dc Test, +26-Volt.
(1) Turn the selector switch to 5.
(1) Turn the selector switch to 2.
(2) Adjust the TS-382 F/U for an output
(2) Increase the 721A output voltage.
of 0.25 volt ac as indicated by the
(a) The RED indicator should light
ME-30B/U. The RED indicator
before +10.0 volts is reached.
should be lighted.
(b) T h e G R E E N i n d i c a t o r s h o u l d
(3) Increase the audio output of the TS-
l i g h t and remain lighted above
382 F/U to 0.49 volt. The GREEN
+20.7 volts.
indicator should be lighted.
d. Dc Test, +12-Volt.
e. Position 6 Test.
(1) Turn the selector switch to 8.
(1) Turn the selector switch to 6.
(2) Increase the 721A output voltage.
(2) Adjust the TS-382F/U for an output
(a) The RED indicator should light
of 0.45 volt ac as indicated by the
before +5.0 volts is reached.
ME-30B/U. The RED indicator
(b) The GREEN indicator should re-
should be lighted.
main lighted between +10.5 and
(3) Increase the audio output of the TS-
+13.0 volts.
382 F/U to 0.90 volt. The GREEN
(c) The RED indicator should light
indicator should be lighted.
and remain lighted above +13.0
f. Position 10 Test.
volts .
(1) Turn the selector switch to 10.
(2) Adjust the TS-382F/U for an output
64. Audio Tests
of 0.11 volt ac as indicated by the
ME-30E/U. The RED indicator
Check the ability of the TS-1777/VRM-1
should be lighted.
(3) Increase the audio output of the TS-
to test audio circuits as directed below.
a. Preparation.
382 F/U to 0.225 volt. The GREEN
indication should be lighted.
(1) Insert the test probe tip in test jack
A, turn the selector switch to A,
g. Position 11 Test.
(1) Turn the selector switch to 11.
and check to be sure that the
( 2 ) Adjust the TS-382F/U for an output
GREEN indicator lights.
of 3.2 volts ac as indicated by the
(2) Adjust the TS-382 F/U output fre-