C2, TM 11-6625-820-12
(3) Column C. This column indicates the
A1. General
lowest maintenance category authorized to install
This appendix lists items supplied for initial opera-
the part.
tion and for running spares. The list includes parts
and material issued as part of the major end item.
O -- Organizational Maintenance
H -- General Support Maintenance
The list includes all items authorized for basic
(4) Column D. The symbol in this column
operator maintenance of the equipment. End
indicates whether the item is repairable or salvage-
items of equipment are issued on the basis of
able. Recoverability code and its explanation is
allowances prescribed in equipment authorization
as follows:
tables and other documents that are a basis for
R -- Applies to repair parts and assemblies that are eco-
Note. For technical manual requisition through pinpoint
nomically repairable at DSU and GSU activities
account number is assigned; otherwise through nearest
and normally are furnished by supply on an
Adjutant General facility. A quantity of one technical
exchange basis.
manual is packed with each equipment. Where a valid need
b. Federal Stock Number Column. This column
exists, additional copies may be requisitioned and kept on
lists the Ii-digit Federal stock number.
c. Description Column. The Federal item name,
a five-digit manufacturer's code, and a part
A2. Explanation of Columns
number are included in this column.
The following is a list of explanations of columns
d. Unit of Issue Column. The unit of issue is the
in section II.
supply term by which the individual item is
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability Code
counted for procurement, storage, requisitioning,
Column. Source, maintenance, and recoverability
allowances, and issue purposes.
codes indicate the commodity command responsi-
e. Expendability Column. Nonexpendable items
ble for supply, the maintenance category at
are indicated by NX. Expendable items are not
which an item is stocked, categories at which an
item is installed or repaired, and whether an item
f. Quantity Authorized Column. Under "Items
is repairable or salvageable. The source code
Comprising an Operable Equipment", the column
column is divided into four parts.
lists the quantity of items supplied for the initial
(1) Column A. This column indicates the
operation of the equipment. Under "Running
material code and designates the area of respon-
Spare Items" the quantities listed are those issued
sibility for supply. AR 3101 defines the basic
initially with the equipment as spare parts. The
numbers used to identify the material code. If
quantities are authorized to be kept on hand by
the part is electronic materiel responsibility, the
the operator for maintenance of the equipment.
column is left blank.
g. Illustrations Column.
(2) Column B. This column indicates the
(1) Figure number. This column lists the
point within the maintenance system where the
figure number used for the identification of the
part is available. Source codes and their explana-
items in the illustration or text of the technical
tions are as follows:
(2) Item number. This column lists the item
P -- Applies to repair parts that are stocked in or
number used for the identification of the items in
supplied from the GSA / DSA, or Army supply
system, and authorized for use at indicated
the illustration or text of the technical manual.
maintenance categories.
(3) Reference symbol. This column lists the
AH -- Applies to parts that require manufacture or as-
reference symbols used for `the identification of
sembly at a category higher than that authorized
the items in the illustration or text of the tech-
for installation will indicate in the source code
nical manual.
column the higher category.