TM 11-6625-333-15
7-1. Limited Storage Instructions
7-4. Destruction Plan
Any formulated destruction plan must be
Repackaging of the ME-165/G for limited stor-
complete, adequate, a n d capable of being easily
a g e normally will be performed at a packaging
c a r r i e d out under field conditions as available
facility, or by a packaging team. The extent, of
time and personnel will permit. Personnel should
e q u i p m e n t preparation or repackaging is deter-
be assigned specific tasks so that minimum time
m i n e d by the length of time during which the
will be required if destruction becomes necessary.
ME-165/G will remain inactive. Extensive
Because the time required for complete destruc-
repackaging is required for extended storage, and
tion of the equipment may not always be availa-
minimum packaging and protective measures are
ble, destruction priorities should be established to
r e q u i r e d for short-time storage. Repackage the
insure that essential parts of equipments will be
equipment in accordance with the original pack-
destroyed first.
aging methods as far as possible with the availa-
ble materials.
When capture or abandonment of the ME-165/G
t o an enemy is imminent, the responsible unit
Storage normally refers to the placement of mate-
c o m m a n d e r must make the decision to either
riel in a building or covered structure and is clas-
destroy the equipment or render it inoperative.
sified as follows:
a. Destruction of the ME-165/C and essential
a. Class A storage is a building or closed struc-
s p a r e parts must be so complete that it will be
ture which is heated and designed to afford pro-
i m p o s s i b l e to restore the equipment to a usable
tection from the elements.
condition either by repair or cannibalization.
b. Class B storage is a closed structure or build-
b. All notes, instructions, or other written
ing which is designed to afford protection from
material pertaining to function, operation, main-
the elements but is not heated.
tenance, o r employment, including drawings or
c. Class C storage is a structure in which the
parts lists, must be destroyed in a way that will
a t m o s p h e r e is maintained at a specified relative
r e n d e r them useless to the enemy. Ashes of
humidity by mechanical or electrical colitz-oiled
b u r n e d documents and literature must be sifted,
humidity devices.
or otherwise checked, to insure complete destruc-
A surveillance inspection (visual exami-
7-6. Methods of
nation) is required of packing, packag-
The tactical situation and time available will
i n g , and preservation for evidence of
determine the method to be used when destruction
o f equipment is ordered. Use any or all of the
ment on a daily basis.
following methods to destroy the equipment.
7-3. Authority for Demolition
a. Smash the equipment control panel. Be sure
t h a t the components within the equipment case
Demolition of the ME-165/G will be accomplished
are destroyed.
only upon order of the commander. The destruc-
b. Cut all power cables, signal lines, and cords,
used to prevent further use of the equipment.
Slash all component wiring.