Page 24, paragraph 36. Add the following as
the introductory paragraph:
The light indication change should be
almost instantaneous at the moment of
The front panel and chassis of the TS-1777/VRM-
touching the test probe to the applied
1 (AN/VRM-l) and TS-1777A/VRM-l (fig. 11.1)
test voltage, except for the 1000-Hz
(AN/VRM-lA) are identical in dimensions but
(audio) tests given in- e below. Thus, in
the case of each is different (para 1 d). Conse-
the audio test the light change should
q u e n t l yt the front panel and chassis of either
occur within 10 seconds after the appli-
odel can be put in the case of the other model
cation of the proper voltage to the test
Page 33, paragraph 43. Designate the existing
note as 1 and l dd the following notes:
Refer to the appropriate adjustment
procedures given in c through h below
when the test requirements of a par-
All test voltages (ac and dc) applied
ticular circuit (para 47 through 51, and
to the test probe (c through h below)
64 through 67) cannot be obtained.
shall be increased gradually and shall be
applied instantaneoualy after each in-
Page 35, paragraph 43c(10), last line. Change
crement; and the signal source shall not
"13.0 - volts to: 13.5 Volts. (When the GREEN
be connected to the test set while the
indicator goes out, the RED indicator should
level of the applied voltage is being
changed or while the adjustment con-
Paragraph 43e(l) (b), line 2. Change "ME-
trol in the test set under test is being
20B/U" to: AN/URM-145.
changed. Therefore, the procedures in c
through h below shall be performed in
Page 36, paragraph 43h (6), last line. Change
such a way as to accommodate this in-
"210 mv" to: 115 mv.
stantaneous application of the test volt-
Page 37. Add new figure 23.1 after figure 23.