Subparagraph h(2), line 5. Change "ME
1,000-Hz (audio) tests given in paragraph 66.
30B/U to: AN/URM-145.
Thus, in the audio tests, the light change should
occur within 10 seconds after the application of
Page 63, figure 31. In figure 31, change callout
the proper voltage to the test probe.
"Q7606-C" to: Q7602-C.
f. Refer to the appropriate adjustment pro-
c e d u r e s (paragraph 43) when the require-
Page 65 (page 2 of C 2), paragraph 61a, chart.
ments of a parrticular circuit (para 64 through
Delete the chart and substitute:
69) cannot be obtained.
(1) TM 11-6625-496-12, with current
Page 67 (page 5 of C 2), paragraph 65e, make
(2) TM 11-6625-496-45, with current
the following changes:
Line 3, change "RED" to: GREEN.
(3) TB SIG 355-1.
Line 4, change "GREEN" to: RED.
(4) TB SIG 355-2.
(5) TB SIG 355-3.
Page 69, appendix I (page 1 of C 3). Add the
Page 3 of C 2, paragraph 61b, line 4. Change
following to the appendix.
"DA Pam 310-4" to: DA Pam 310-7.
Depot Inspection Standard
TB SIG 355-3
for Moisture and Fungus
Page 66 (page 3 of C 2), paragraph 63. Add the
Resistant Treatment.
subparagraphs d, e, and f after subparagraph c.
TM 11-6625-524-15-1 Operator, Organizational,
d. All test voltages (ac and dc) applied to
DS, GS, and Depot
the test probe in the procedures given in para-
Maintenance Manual:
graphs 64 through 69 shall be increased gradually
and shall be applied instantaneously after each
increment, and the signal source shall not be
connected to the test probe while the level of
the applied voltage is being changed, or while
Page 75, figure 38. Make the following changes:
the adjustment control in the test set under test
To positions "A","2", and "8" of switch
is being changed. Therefore, the procedures given
S7902E, front, add position 19 and put the number
in paragraphs 64 through 69 shall be performed
in a box.
in such a way as to accommodate this instantan-
Change the figure caption to: TS-1777/VRM-
eous application of the test voltages.
1, early production units, power distribution
e. The light indication change should be al-
most instantaneous at the moment of touching
the test probe to the test voltage, except for the