T h is manual lists repair parts and special tools re-
quired for the performance of direct support, general
support, and depot level maintenance of the AN/
ARM-92 and AN/ARM-92A.
This Repair Parts and Special Tools List is divided
into the following sections:
authorized for the performance of maintenance at the
direct support, general support, and depot level.
b . Federal Stock Number and Reference Number
a s c e n d i n g numerical sequence followed by a list of
reference numbers (Manufacture P/N) in ascending
a l p h a - n u m e r i c sequence, cross-referenced to the il-
l u s t r a t i o n figure number and reference designation.
c . Reference Designation Cross-Reference to Page
nation numbers in alpha-numeric sequence, cross-
r e f e r e n c e d to page number of the Repair Parts List.
3. Explanation of
The following provides an explanation of columns in
a . Source, Maintenance and Recoverability Codes
(SMR), Column 1.
(1) Source code indicates the selection status and
source for the listed item.
Source codes are:
(2) Maintenance code indicates the lowest cate-
g o r y of maintenance authorized to install the listed
i t e m . The maintenance level code is:
(3) Recoverability code indicates whether unser-
viceable items should be returned for recovery on
s a l v a g e . Items not coded are expendable. Recovera-
bility codes are: