the first appearance of each item indicates the item
is authorized on an "as required" basis. Repair parts
stockage at the DS/GS levels will be based on demand
and determined in accordance with AR711-16. Subse-
quent appearances of the same item will have the
letters "REF" in the allowance columns.
g. 1-Year Allowances Per 100 Equipments/Con-
t i n g e n c y Planning Purposes, Column 8. This column
i n d i c a t e s items required to support 100 equipments
for one year. An asterisk opposite the first appear-
ance of each item indicates the range of items re-
h . Depot Maintenance Allowances Per 100 Equip-
m e n t s , Column 9. This column indicates items auth-
orized for depot maintenance of 100 equipments. An
a s t e r i s k opposite the first appearance of each item
indicates the range of items authorized on an "as re-
q u i r e d " b a s i s . S u b s e q u e n t appearance of the same
item will have the letters "REF" in this column when
shown as a supply item.
i. Illustration, Column 10. This column is divided
as follows:
( 1 ) Figure Number, Column 10a. Indicates the
figure number of the illustration in which the item is
(2) Item Number, Column 10b. Indicates the call-
o u t number or reference designation used to refer-
ence the item in the illustration.
b. Federal Stock Number, Column 2. This column
i n d i c a t e s the Federal stock number assigned to the
i t e m and will be used for requisitioning purposes.
a. Identification of the USABLE ON CODES in
c . Description, Column 3. This column indicates
Column 3 of this publication are:
the Federal item name and any additional description
of the item require cl. A part number or other refer-
ence number is followed by the applicable five-digit
Federal supply codes for manufacturer in paren-
t h e s e s . E a c h item is indentured with a dot(s), i.e.,
An item indented "A" in the description column will
be preceded with one dot; an item indented "B" will be
preceded by two dots, etc.
d. Unit of Measure (U/M), Column 4. A 2 charac-
The absence of a uable on code indicates the part is
t e r alphabetic abbreviation indicating the amount or
used on all models.
q u a n t i t y of the item upon which the allowances are
b. Repair parts mortality is computed from failure
based, e.g., ft, ea, pr, etc.
rates derived from experience factors with the indivi-
e . Quantity Incorporated in Unit, Column 3. This
dual parts in a variety of equipments. Variations in the
c o l u m n indicates the quantity used per reference de-
specific application and periods of use of electronics
s i g n a t i o n (Column 10b).
A "V" appearing in this
equipment, the fragility of electronic piece parts,
column in lieu of a quantity indicates that a definite
p l u s intangible material and quality factors intrinsic
quantity cannot be indicated (e.g., SHIMS, SPACERS,
to the manufacture of electronic parts, do not permit
mortality to be based on hours of end item use. How-
f. 30-Day DS/GS Maintenance Allowances, Columns
e v e r , long periods of continuous use under adverse
6 and 7.
c o n d i t i o n s are likely to increase repair parts mortal-
NOTE: Allowances in GS column are for GS main-
c. Parts which require manufacture or assembly at
a category higher than that authorized for installa-
tenance only.
t i o n will indicate in the source column the higher
(1) Separate columns for Direct Support (DS) and
General Support (GS) indicate the total range of repair
parts authorized for use at the appropriate categories.
5. How to
Locate Repair Parts.
(2) The allowance columns are divided into three
a. When Federal stock number or reference num-
s u b - c o l u m n s . An asterisk in these columns opposite
ber is unknown: