T.O. 33A1-3-358-11/TM 11-6625-842-15
Section V
NAVAIR 16-30APM239-2
a matched set; or a part of any assembly which, if required, would suggest extensive reconditioning of such
assembly. In some cases, code "X1" may be used to indicate an integral detail part of an assembly which has
no anticipated usage and as an assembly was source-coded "M" or "M1".
Code "X1D" identifies parts which are described under the "X1" code but which are applicable
to AF activities authorized depot-level maintenance only.
Code "X2" identifies parts which are applicable to any level of maintenance consistent with the
activity's authorized scope of maintenance, for which there is no anticipated usage, and which are impractical
for service manufacture. This type of item will not be stocked. Such parts shall be obtained from reclama-
tion or, if not available from this source, requisitioned through normal supply channels together with support-
ing justification for one-time procurement and immediate use. Repeated requests for such parts shall justify a change
code "P1" or "P2" as applicable, if considered economical to procure and store such parts.
Code "X2D" identifies parts which are described under the "X2" code but which are applicable to
AF activities authorized depot-level maintenance only. Repeated requests for such parts shall justify a change
to a "P1D" or "P2D" code, as applicable, if considered economical and feasible to procure and stock such
installation drawings, diagrams, instruction sheets, field-service drawing numbers, and parts not otherwise
of supply significance, including obsolete parts, which cannot be procured or service manufactured.
5-22. MAINTENANCE REPAIR LEVEL CODES. The following are the maintenance repair level codes and
their definitions:
CODE "S" - NO REPAIR Code "S" identifies items which are nonreparable and have no re-
clamation value. When these items fail they will be disposed of at user level as condemned material.
CODE "B" - NO REPAIR; RECONDITION. Code "B" identifies assemblies or parts that will be
reconditioned at the user level by adjusting, cleaning, soldering broken connection, etc. If these items cannot
be returned to serviceable condition by such means they will be disposed of at user level as condemned material.
No repair parts or tools are specially procured for maintenance of these items.
CODE "F" - REPAIR AT FIELD LEVEL. Code "F" identifies items which will be repaired by the
field level maintenance activities. Normal servicing will be done by organizational level maintenance.
Selected parts, tools, and technical order data are procured and provided to applicable field level maintenance
activities for repair of these items. No SRA is established for these items. If the condition of these items
is such that they cannot be returned to serviceable condition by the field level maintenance activity with
authorized parts and tools, they will be disposed of as condemned material. If repair of "F" coded items
cannot be accomplished due to unavailability of authorized parts, tools, or other capability, the applicable
SSM/IM will be so advised with request for disposition instructions. "F" coded Hi-Valu or Critical Items,
regardless of condition, will be turned into supply for disposition instructions from the applicable SSM/IM.
CODE "D" - LIMITED FIELD REPAIR; DEPOT OVERHAUL Code "D" identifies items on which
a limited degree of repair can be accomplished by field level maintenance activities. Normal servicing will
be done at organizational level. SRA is established for overhaul of these items. A range of repair parts,
tools, and technical order data consistent with the capability of repair are procured and provided to applicable
field maintenance activities. Because of the design characteristics and complexity of repair, the degree of
repair which is authorized on these items at the field maintenance level is necessarily determined by the
degree of technical skills required and the cost of special tools, special test equipment, spare parts, and the
predicted frequency of failure generation. If these items cannot be returned to serviceable condition with
authorized parts and tools they will be returned to supply for shipment to the designated SRA.
items to which all the conditions of code "D" apply except that repair beyond field capability will be done
by the mobile depot activity (MDA). If the MDA cannot repair these items, they will determine whether these
items should be condemned or sent to the SRA.
CODE "L" - DEPOT LEVEL MAINTENANCE ONLY. Code "L" identifies items that will be re-
paired only at designated SRA. Repair parts and tools for repair are procured and provided only to these
authorized activities. Required functional checkout and bench check equipment may be provided to applicable
organizational and field level maintenance activities for accomplishing external adjustment or calibration and
for verifying serviceability of these items. If they are found unserviceable they will be turned in to supply
for shipment to the SRA.