TM 11-6625-2632-14-1
f. Receiver 243.0 MHz Test.
Release the MCW button.
(3) If the meter, on the test set, indicated in
The transmitting radio must pass the tests
the green area when the MCW button was pressed,
in b through e above before the receiver
MC W output power is satisfactory. If the meter
indicated in the red area, MCW output power is
tests are performed.
insufficient, higher category repair of the
(1) Set the volume control of the transmitting
transmitting radio is required.
r a d i o to minimum and the function switch to
d. Transmitter 243.0 MHz Voice Test.
transmit a-beacon signal at 243.0 MHz.
(1) press and hold the PUSH-TO-TALK
(2) Set the function switch of the receiving
button on the transmitting radio set.
radio to receive a beacon signal at 243.0 MHz and
( 2 ) Whistle a steady clear tone into the
the volume control to maximum.
microphone of the transmitting radio set from a
(3) A beacon signal should be heard from the
distance of 2 to 3 inches and observe the meter on
speaker of the receiving radio. If beacon signal is
the test set. Release the PUSH-TO-TALK button.
not heard, install new battery in receiving radio.
(3) If meter indicated in the green area briefly
(4) Repeat the procedures in (1) and (2) above.
during whistle, voice power out-put is satisfactory.
If beacon signal can not be heard, the receiving
radio is unsuitable for use and higher category
It is normal for the meter indication to fall
maintenance is required.
back into the red area if the microphone is
The presence of an audible Interfering
not held close to the mouth for full sound
signal from the speaker caused by a nearby
(4) If meter indicated in the red area
throughout the test, voice power output is not
indication of satisfactory performance. This
satisfactory. Repeat the test carefully. If meter
may not be a true indication if the in-
still does not indicate in the green area, higher
terfering transmitter is of unusually high
c a t e g o r y repair o f the transmitting radio is
power or its antenna is located within 100
feet .
g. Receiver 282.8 MHz Test.
e. Transmitter 282.8 MHz Voice Test.
(1) Set the volume control of the. transmitting
(1) Set the function switch of the transmitting
r a d i o to minimum and the function switch to
radio set to transmit voice at 282.8 MHz.
transmit a voice signal at 282.8 MHz.
To turn the knob of the function switch to
To turn the knob of the function switch to
t h e VOICE 282.8 position, press the
t h e VOICE 282.8 position, press the
button in the center of the knob while
but ton in the center of the knob while
turning the knob in a counterclockwise
turning the knob in a counterclockwise
(2) Press and hold the PUSH-TO-TALK
(2) Set the function switch of the receiving
button on the transmitting radio set.
radio to receive a voice signal at 282.8 MHz and
( 3 ) Whistle a steady clear tone into the
the volume control to maximum.
microphone of the transmitting radio set from a
(3) Press the PUSH-TO-TALK button on the
distance of 2 to 3 inches and observe the meter on
transmitting radio. A reduction in noise level from
the test set. Release the PUSH-TO-TALK button.
the speaker of the receiving radio indicates a
(4) If meter indicated in the green area briefly
satisfactory 282.8 MHz receiver.
during whistle, voice power output is satisfactory.
(4) Complete lack of noise, or no change in
noise level indicates the receiving radio is un-
It is normal for the meter indication to fall
suitable for use and higher category repair is
back into the red area if the microphone is
not held close to the mouth for full sound
The presence of an audible interfering
(5) If meter indicated in the red area
signal from the speaker caused by a nearby
throughout the test, voice power output is not
satisfactory. Repeat the test carefully. If meter
dicate a satisfactory receiver. This may not
still does not indicate in the green area, higher
b e a true indication if the interfering
c a t e g o r y repair of the transmitting radio is
transmitter is of unusually high power or
its antenna is located within 100 feet.