TM 11-6625-2632-14-1
2-3. Checking Unpacked Equipment
Radio Test Set AN/PRM-32A is packaged for
a. Inspect the equipment for damage incurred
shipment in a standard moisture-proof container.
during shipment. I f the equipment has been
It requires no special treatment upon receipt
damaged, report the damage in accordance with
except removal by the operator from the package.
There are no special siting or shelter requirements
b. Check the equipment against the component
to be considered. It is available for use at any
listing and the packing slip to see if the shipment
time. It should be used in a location as free from
is complete. Report all discrepancies in accordance
moisture, mud, dirt, and snow as possible, but can
be used under such conditions if necessary.
placed in service even though a minor assembly or
part that does not affect proper functioning is
Radio Test Set AN/PRM-32A is packaged for
c. Check to see whether the equipment has been
s h i p m e n t in a corrugated carton that is ap-
modified. (Equipment which has been modified will
proximately 6 inches long by 6 inches high by 4
have the MWO number on the identification plate
inches wide. The corrugated carton is sealed on the
on the top of the cover.) Check also to see whether
t o p with tape. The test set is w-rapped with
all currently applicable MWO's have been applied.
cellulose padding and inserted in a plastic bag
(Current MWO's applicable to the equipment are
before being inserted in the corrugated carton. To
listed in DA Pam 310-7.)
remove the test set from the corrugated carton
d. For dimensions, weight and volume of the
perform the following:
packaged item see SB 38-100.
a. Carefully slit the tape securing the cover of
2-4. Installation Instructions
the corrugated carton.
b. Lift the top flaps of the corrugated carton
There are no installation requirements for Radio
and remove the plastic bag containing the test set.
T e s t Set AN/PRM-32A. No preliminary ad-
c. Open the plastic bag and remove the wrapped
c o n n e c t i o n s , or
test set.
alignments are required.
d. Unwrap the test set.
e. Perform the procedures in paragraph 23.
2-5. Damage From Improper Settings
Set AN/PRM 32A are identified m table 2-1 and
No Damage will result from improper settings.
Operator's controls and indicators on Radio Test