TM 11-6625-2632-14-1
the volume control to maximum.
radio to receive a beacon signal at 243.0 MHz and
the volume control to maximum.
(3) A beacon signal should be heard from the
speaker of the receiving radio. If beacon signal can
(3) A beacon signal should be heard from the
not be heard, the receiving radio is unsuitable for
speaker of the receiving radio. If beacon signal is
use and higher category maintenance is required.
not heard, install new battery in receiving radio.
(4) Repeat the procedures in (1) and (2) above.
The presence of an audible interfering
If beacon signal can be heard from the speaker of
t h e receiving radio, t h e problem has been
signal from the speaker caused by a nearby
corrected. If beacon signal can not be heard, the
indication of satisfactory performance. This
receiving radio is unsuitable for use and higher
may not be a true indication if the in-
category maintenance is required.
terfering transmitter is of unusually high
The presence of an audible interfering
power or its antenna is located within 100
signal from the speaker caused by a nearby
i. Completion of Tests.
(1) Satisfactory completion of the tests in b
indication of satisfactory performance. This
through h above assures the transmitting radio set
may not be a true indication if the in-
is operating properly as a transmitter and the
terfering transmitter is of unusually high
receiving radio set is operating properly as a
power or its antenna is located within 100
feet .
(2) Interchange the two radio sets and perform
g. Earphone Test.
the test procedures in paragraphs b through h
(1) Plug the earphone connector into the
above. Satisfactory completion of the tests assures
earphone jack of the receiving radio. The speaker
both radio sets are operating properly.
of the receiving radio should now be silent and the
(3) Disconnect the cable assemblies from the
beacon should be heard clearly in the earphone.
radio sets.
(2) If the earphone does not operate properly,
check the earphone connection for dirty contacts.
(4) Remove the test adapters from the radio
If cleaning the contacts does not correct the
problem, replace the earphone. If operation is still
(5) Check that the threads of the antennas and
antenna jacks are free of moisture, dirt or other
unsatisfactory, the receiving radio is unsuitable for
use and higher category repair is required.
(3) Disconnect earphone from receiving radio
Do not overtighten or the plastic threads
h. 121.5 MHz Receiver Test.
(6) Install the antennas and antenna sealing
(1) Set the volume control of the transmitting
washers. Avoid cross threading. Use only enough
r a d i o to minimum and the function switch to
torque to compress the sealing washer slightly.
transmit a beacon signal at 121.5 MHz.
( 7 ) Replace test set items removed in
(2) Set the function switch of the receiving
radio to receive a beacon signal at 121.5 MHz and
no other shelter is available, a poncho held over
the unite under test will reduce the amount of
Radio Test Set AN/PRM 32A is designed to be
resistant to damage from moisture, cold, heat,
dust, sand, and snow. Consequently Radio Test
2-12. Procedure After Testing
Set AN/PRM-32A can be used for testing the
After testing is completed under severe conditions,
radio sets under severe field conditions. However,
wipe the screw threads on the antenna and radio,
s c r e w threads, switches, and knobs may be
and the sealing washer, carefully with a clean, dry
cloth to reduce the contamination before
select a test area which is as free of moisture, salt
reassembling the antennas on the radio sets. Wipe
s p r a y , dust, sand, snow, mud or other con-
off the connectors before sealing with the jack
taminants as possible. Under severe conditions,
caps. Wipe off the connector adapters, cable
provide some form of shelter for the test area. If