TM 11-6625-2632-14-1
output is not satisfactory. Install new battery in
transmitting radio set.
a. General
( 1 ) Perform the procedures outlined in
(4) Repeat the procedure in (2) above. If meter
now indicates in green area, the problem has been
paragraph 24.
corrected. If meter indicates in red area, the radio
(2) Perform the AN/PRC-90 tests in the order
set is not suitable for use and higher category
maintenance of the transmitting radio is required.
Battery Test.
(5) A beacon tone should be barely audible in
t h e speaker of the transmitting radio. If the
test set to 243.0/282.8.
b e a c o n tone is not audible, higher category
maintenance of the transmitting radio is required.
(2) Set the function switch of the transmitting
radio set to transmit a beacon signal at 243.0
(1) Set the function switch of the transmitting
radio to transmit VOICE/MCW at 243.00 MHz.
(3) Meter should indicate in green area t o
(2) Press and Hold the MCW button of the
indicate beacon power output and battery is good.
radio set and observe the meter of the test set.
If meter indicates in the red area, beacon power