TM 11-6625-2632-14-1
5-11. Replacement of Major Components
b. Replacement of Shielded Box Assembly,
a. Replacement of Mounting Plate Assembly.
(1) Place shielded box assembly A2A2 (3, fig,
( 1 ) I n s e r t t w o s c r e w s (7, fig. 5-5) i n t o
mounting plate assembly (13). The screw heads go
on the same side as diode A2A2CR1 (11).
(19) through case (17) into shielded box assembly
(2) Slip spacer (5) over threads of each screw
A2A2 (3). Apply thread sealing compound,
MIL-S-22473C, grade AVV, to screws (18) and
(3) Apply thread sealing compound, MIL-S-
22473C, grade AVV, to screws (7). Insert screws
four screws (18). One screw also secures jack cap
(7) through holes in box (1) and secure with
washers (3) and nuts (2).
(3) Untag and resolder wire from mounting
(4) Untag and resolder wires from mounting
bracket assembly (9, fig. 5-3) to feedthru terminal
plate assembly to feedthru terminals A2A2E2 and
A2A2E1 (4 and 6).
(4) Remove four screws securing cover of
(6) Install cover of shielded box assembly
shielded box assembly A2A2 (3, fig. 5-4) and open
A2A2 (3, fig. 5-4) and secure with four screws.
One screw also secures terminal lug (1).
(5) Untag and resolder wire from mounting