TM 11-6625-441-34
Figure 3-4, Test Set, Radio TS-1588A/AIC, lower front panel, parts location.
3-6, General
the cables is pinched between the front panel and
the case.
a. All of the parts of the interphone test set can
( 2 ) Align the captive screws with the
be reached and replaced after the interphone test
threaded portions of the case and tighten, Be
set chassis is removed from its case ( b below).
careful not to overtighten the screws which could
When replacing wiring, refer to the interphone
distort the case and/or the front panel.
(3) Slide the cover onto the hinge pins; close
b. Remove the interphone test set chassis from
and latch the cover.
the case as follows:
(1) Remove the cover from the interphone
3-7. Repair of Hinges and Replacement of Hinges,
test set case by sliding the cover off the hinge
Latches, and Handle
a. Repair of Bent Hinge Pins, If a hinge pin
(2) Loosen the captive screws across the top
becomes bent, remove the cover and straighten
and bottom of the front panel and lift the front
the pin with a pair of pliers. If the pin is too badly
panel and chassis from the case,
bent and cannot be straightened, then replace the
c. Replace the interphone test set chassis into
defective hinge ( b below).
the case as follows:
h. Replacement of Hinges, Latches and
(1) Carefully place the front panel and
Handle. Replace a defective hinge, latch, or
chassis into the case. Make sure that neither of
handle as follows: