TM 11-4625-441-34
b. Replacement.
(1) Use the hardware removed in a (3) above
to secure the new terminal board to the in-
(4) Replace the interphone test set chassis in
terphone test set panel. Make sure that the strip
the case by following the instructions contained in
marker is placed properly if used and is visible.
(2) Connect wires and/or components to the
3-12. Removal and Replacement of Terminal
terminal board following the tag information and
a. Removal.
(3) Replace the interphone test set chassis in
(1) Remove the interphone test set chassis
the case by following the instructions given in
from the case by following the instructions
(2) Tag and remove all wires and/or com-
3-13. Direct Support Test Procedures
ponents connected to the terminal board.
After repairs have been made to the interphone
(3) Remove and retain the hardware which
test set, the self-test procedure (TM 11-6625-441-
secures the terminal board to the interphone test
1 2 ) must be performed prior to returning
set panel.
equipment to the user or stock.
(4) Remove the terminal board; retain the
strip marker if one is used.