control settings columns; then perform each
4-1. General
specific test procedure and verify it against its
a. General support maintenance is the same as
performance standard.
for direct support. This category of maintenance
includes all the organizational maintenance found
4-2. Tools and Test Equipment Required for
in TM 11-6625-441-12 and the direct support
General Support
The test equipment and tools required to perform
support testing procedures will allow a more
the general support testing procedures given in
detailed and complete check of the interphone test
this chapter are listed below.
a. Test Equipment. The only test equipment
b. Testing procedures are prepared for use by
required to perform the tests in this chapter is
electronic field maintenance shops and service
organizations responsible for general support
(NSN 6625-00-480-5702) (or equivalent).
maintenance of electronic equipment to determine
b. Tools. All tools required to perform tests in
the acceptability of repaired electronic equip-
this chapter are contained in Tool Kit, Electronic
set forth specific
ment. The procedures
Equipment TK-105/G.
requirements that repaired electronic equipment
4-3. Physical Tests and Inspections
must meet before it is returned to the using
a. Test Equipment and Materials. None
c. Comply with the instructions preceding the
b. Test Connections and Conditions.
body of each test. Perform each test in sequence.
(1) No connections necessary.
Do not vary the sequence. For each step, perform
(2) Remove the cover from the interphone
all the actions required in the Test equipment
test set and remove the interphone test set
c o n t r o l settings and Equipment under test
chassis from its case.