Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List - TM-11-6625-622-120001Column EntriesTools and EquipmentAppendix IV. ORGANIZATIONAL REPAIR PARTS LISTRequisitioning InformationRequisitioning Information - continuedSection II. Organizational Functioanl Parts List - TM-11-6625-622-120007Section II. Organizational Functioanl Parts List - TM-11-6625-622-120008Section II. Organizational Functioanl Parts List - continuedOperator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual - TM-11-6625-622-120011Items Comprising and Operable EquipmentTool and Test Equipment Requirements - TM-11-6625-622-120013Appendix III. Basic Issue Items List (BIIL) and Items Troop Installed or Authorized List (ITIAL)Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List - TM-11-6625-622-120017Figure 1-2.1. Test Harness subassembly, TS-1949A/URM-157 and Control UnitFigure 1-4.1. AN/URM-157A cablesFigure 1-4. AN/URM-157 Cable, adapters and spare fusesFigure 1-4.1 AN/URM-157A Cable, adapters and spare fusesFigure 2-2.1. TS-1949/URM-157 front panel operating controls,indicators and connectorsFigure 2-3.1. TS-1949A/URM-157 top panel operating control and connectorsFigure 2-5. Typical Bench test setupORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT, AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (INCLUDING DEPOT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS) - TM-11-6625-622-120025Section II. Operator's Functional Parts ListSection II. Maintenance Allocation Chart - TM-11-6625-622-120027Table 1. Tool and Test Equipment Requirements OPERATOR AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE MANUAL - TM-11-6625-622-120031Figure 1-1. Test Harness, Radio Set AN/URM-157.Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-6625-622-120033Components of Test Harness, Radio Set AN/URM-157Common NamesFigure 1-2. Test unit and control unit.Figure 1-3. Cables.Figure 1-4. Cables, adapters, and spare fuses.Chapter 2. OPERATION - TM-11-6625-622-120039Figure 2-1. Typical packaging. - TM-11-6625-622-120040Section Il. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-11-6625-622-120041Operating Controls, Indicators, and ConnectorsOperating Controls, Indicators, and Connectors - continuedFigure 2-2. Test unit front panel operating controls, indicators, and connectors.Top Panel Figure 2-3. Test unit top panel operating controls and connectors.Figure 2-4. Test unit rear panel connectors.Figure 2-5. Typical bench test setup.Chapter 3. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-11-6625-622-120049Daily Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Chart - TM-11-6625-622-120050 Quarterly Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services ChartChapter 4. SHIPMENT, LIMITED STORAGE, AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USE - TM-11-6625-622-120052Methods of Destruction - TM-11-6625-622-120053Appendix I. REFERENCESAppendix II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONMaintenance by Using OrganizationsSection II. Maintenance Allocation Chart - TM-11-6625-622-120057Section III. Allocation of Tools for Maintenance FunctionsAppendix III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSection II. Functional Parts ListSection II. Functional Parts List - continued - TM-11-6625-622-120061Section II. Functional Parts List - continued - TM-11-6625-622-120062TM-11-6625-622-12 - index