TM 11-6625-820-12
(quarterly interval) in addition to the daily (para
Remove rust and corrosion from metal surfaces
n a n c e checks and services. A quarterly interval
by lightly sanding them with #000 sandpaper.
i s defined as 90 calendar days of 8-hour-per-day
B r u s h two thin coats of paint on the bare metal
to protect it from further corrosion. Refer to
operation. All deficiencies or shortcomings will
t h e applicable cleaning and refinishing practices
b e recorded, and those not corrected during the
specified in TM 9213.
maintenance service and inspection will be im-
mediately reported to higher echelon by the use of
Quarterly Preventive Maintenance
forms and procedures specified by TM 38-750.
Checks and Services
Equipment with a deficiency that cannot be
Perform the maintenance functions indicated
i n the quarterly preventive maintenance checks
d e a d l i n e d in accordance with TM 38-750.