TM 11-6625-2632-14
2-17. Introduction
2-18. Procedure After Testing
Radio Test Set AN/PRM-32 is designed to be resistant
After testing is completed under severe conditions, wipe
to damage from moisture, cold, heat, dust, sand, and
the screw threads on the antenna and radio, and the
snow. Consequently Radio Test Set AN/PRM-32 can be
sealing washer, carefully with a clean, dry cloth to
used for testing Radio Set AN/PRC-90 under severe
reduce the contamination before reassembling the
field conditions. However, screw threads, switches, and
antennas on the radio sets. Wipe off the connectors and
connector adapters before closing the cover on the test
Always select a test area which is as free of moisture,
set. After the cover is closed on the test set it is not
as possible. Under severe conditions, provide some
form of shelter for the test area. If no other shelter is
2-19. Lubrication After Testing
available, a poncho held over the units under test will
No lubrication of Radio Test Set AN/PRM-32 is required.
Under extreme conditions, such as the presence of salt
spray, dust, sand, snow, or mud, wipe a very light oil
over the surfaces of the two connectors to prevent
damage to them.