TM 11-6625-2632-14
The operator will perform organizational maintenance. All test set repairs will be
referred to general support category.
Section I. GENERAL
3-1. Scope of Organizational Maintenance
3-2. Tools, Materials, and Test Equipment Required
for Organizational Maintenance
This chapter provides instructions for organizational
maintenance of the AN/PRM-32. Maintenance at the
a. Tools. Tool Kit, Electronic Equipment TK-101/G.
organizational category, beyond visual inspection and
b. Materials.
exterior cleaning and painting, is not authorized. The
(1) Trichloroethane
following instructions list the actions to be taken at the
(FSN 6810-664-0273).
organizational maintenance category and the tools and
(2) Lint free cloth (FSN 8305-170-5062).
materials required.
(3) Sandpaper, fine (FSN 5350-264-3485).
a. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
(4) Camel's-hair brush (FSN 8020-24-9625).
c. Equipment . The only test equipment required
are two each Radio Sets AN/PRC-90.
3-3. Preventive Maintenance
preventive maintenance functions listed in the preventive
maintenance chart once each month.
A month is
Preventive maintenance is the systematic care and
defined as approximately 30 calendar days of 8-hour-
inspection of equipment to detect and prevent possible
per-day operation. If the equipment is operated 16
trouble, to reduce out-of-service time, and to maintain
hours a day, the monthly preventive maintenance
equipment serviceability. The AN/PRM-32 requires no
checks should be performed at 15-day intervals.
Adjustments of the maintenance interval must be made
to compensate for any unusual operating conditions.
3-4. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
Equipment maintained in a standby (ready for immediate
operation) condition must have monthly preventive
To insure that Radio Test Set AN/PRM-32 is always
maintenance checks.
Equipment in limited storage
ready for operation, .it must be inspected systematically
(requires service before operation) does not require
so that defects may be discovered and corrected before
monthly preventive maintenance. At the organizational
they result in serious damage or failure.
category, monthly preventive maintenance consists of
organizational preventive maintenance checks and
visual inspection, cleaning, operation and painting of the
services to be performed are listed and described in
AN/PRM-32 as listed in table 3-1. Other corrective
table 3-1. The
item numbers indicate the sequence of
action will be taken at general support category.
and minimum time for inspection required. Perform the