TM 11-6625-2718-14&P
7-5. Troubleshooting Line Section Assembly
or bent contacts give an indication of an open
If both the meter and the selector switch operate
e. Remove and replace a faulty switch (para
check the line section assembly as follows:
a. Connect the TS-2609A/U in a test circuit, as
f. Reconnect the meter lead that was removed
(c above).
634/VRC (transmitter).
Figure 7-1. Test set hookup for comparing forward and reflected power indications.
b. With the TS-2609A/U selector switch at 100
Energize the transmitter and record the reading.
FWD, operate the transmitter on high power to
Compare the two readings taken. They should
provide an rf power output at 30 M Hz. Record the
coincide within 5 percent.
r e a d i n g on the TS-2609A/U. Reenergize the
e. Repeat the above test, using frequencies of
transmitter, remove the TS-2609A/U from the
50 MHz and 75 MHz.
f. To troubleshoot the line section assembly for
circuit, a n d substitute a known good TS-
2609A/U into the circuit. Energize the trans-
reflected traveling wave performance, connect the
TS2609A/U in the circuit of figure 7-1 as depicted
mitter and compare the reading on the substitute
T S - 2 6 0 9 A / U with that recorded on the TS-
by the dotted lines. This condition will permit the
2609A/U being checked. The two readings must
transmitter to simulate reception of reflected
traveling waves.
coincide within 5 percent.
c. Repeat the above test, using frequencies of
g. With the selector switch in the 100 RFL
50 MHz and 75 MHz.
p o s i t i o n , set the transmitter for high-power
output at 30 MHz and energize the transmitter.
maximum power must not exceed 10 watts) at 30
Record the reading on the TS-2609A/U.
MHz. Insert the TS-2609A/U under test in the
R e e n e r g i z e the transmitter, remove the TS-
2609A/U under test, and substitute the known
switch of the TS-2609A/U to 10 FWD. With the
good TS-2609A/U with its selector switch set to
transmitter energized, record the reading on the
TS-2609A/U. Remove the TS-2609A/U from the
c o m p a r e the reading on the substitute TS-
c i r c u i t and substitute the known good TS-
2609A/U with that recorded on the TS-2609A/U
2609A/U; set its selector switch to 10 FWD.