TM 11-6625-2718-14&P
being checked. The two readings must coincide
Remove the TS-2609A/U from the circuit and
within 5 percent.
substitute the known good TS-2609A/U; set its
selector switch to 10 RFL. Energize the trans-
h. Repeat the procedure given in g above, using
mitter and record the reading on the substitute
frequencies of 50 MHz and 75 MHz.
TS-2609A/U. Compare the two readings taken.
They should coincide within 5 percent.
maximum power must not exceed 10 watts) at 30
MHz. Insert the TS-2609A/U under test in the
j. Repeat the above test; use frequencies of 50
MHz and 75 MHz. If the TS-2609A/U fails to
operate within the prescribed tolerances, the line
operate the selector switch of the TS-2609A/U to
and record the reading on the TS-2609A/U.
7-6. Meter
Removal and
meter terminals. Use a pair of long-nosed pliers or
similar tool as a heat sink between the solder joint
and the thermistor to prevent overheating the
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the four machine screws (16) that
b. Replacement.
secure the line section assembly (17) to the case
(32 ). Carefully separate the line section from the
case; be careful not to break interconnecting
iron which may have voltage present at
the tip. This action could overload the
(2) Unsolder the leads from the meter (27).
meter and severely damage it.
(3) Remove the four machine screws (24) that
(1) Solder the thermistor (26) to the terminals
hold the meter plate (28) to the case (32); remove
of the meter (27).
the meter plate.
(4) Apply thumb pressure on the back of the
(2) Position the meter gasket (29) on the
meter and position the assembled gasket and
meter (27) and push the meter out through the
meter on the TS-2609A/U case (32); install the
front of the TS-2609A/U case. Remove the meter
meter plate (28) and secure with four machine
gasket (29).
screws (24).
(3) Solder the electrical leads to the terminals
The meter gasket (29) may hold the meter
of the meter. Refer to the wiring diagram in figure
t o the case. S o m e pressure may be
7-2 for proper connection information.
required to dislodge the meter.
(5) Unsolder the thermistor (26) from the