Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0005Forms and RecordsItems Comprising an Operable EquipmentChapter 2. INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0009Figure 2-1. Operator's controls.Figure 2-2. Test Set, Radio Frequency TS-2609A/U mounted on typical transmitter.Types of OperationFigure 2-3 Power values versus swr (reflected power 0.01 to 1.0 watts)Figure 2-4. Power values versus swr (reflected power 0.2 to 20 watts).Section IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0015Chapter 3. OPERATOR/CREW MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0018Chapter 4. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0019Table 4-1 Organizational Monthly Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesSection V. TROUBLESHOOTINGConnector ReplacementChapter 5. FUNCTIONING OF EQUIPMENTFunctioning of TS-2609A/UChapter 6. DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSRepairing Cable Assembly CG-409G/UChapter 7. GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 7-1. Test set hookup for comparing forward and reflected power indications.Section Ill. MAINTENANCE OF TEST SET, RADIO FREQUENCY TS-2609A/UFigure 7-2. Test Set, Radio Frequency TS-2609A/U, wiring diagram.Section IV. GENERAL SUPPORT TESTING PROCEDURESTest FacilitiesFigure 7-3. TS-2609/AU, forward and reflected power test.Reflected Power Accuracy TestSummary of Test Data - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0035Appendix A. REFERENCES - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0037Appendix B. OPERATOR'S, ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT, AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTRecoverability code. - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0040REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0041Figure B-1. Test Set, Radio Frequency Power AN/URM-182, exploded view.NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0043NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - continuedAppendix C. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0045Tool and Test Equipment Requirements - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0046SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0047TABLE C-1. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSGLOSSARYINDEX - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0051INDEX - continued - TM-11-6625-2718-14-P0052TM-11-6625-2718-14-P - index