TM 11-6625-333-15
f o l l o w i n g adjustments: dangerous RF
voltages may be present.
4-1. The 51-ohm terminating resistor shown in
f. If the ME-165/G power meter indication is
n o t correct within 5 percent, adjust ME-165/G
potentiometer R23 so that the power meter indi-
cates the same power as the AN/URM-120
b. Connect the equipment as shown in figure
g. Adjust the transmitter for cw operation at
c. Set
indication on the ME-165/g with the power indi-
cation on the AN/URM-120; the indications
d. Adjust the transmitter for cw operation at
should agree within 5 percent.
i. If the ME-165/G power meter indication is
n o t correct within 5 percent, adjust ME-165/G
indication on the ME-165/G with the power indi-
capacitor C4 so that the power meter indicates the
nation on the AN/URM-120 the indications should
same power as the AN/URM-120.
agree within 5 percent.
j. Repeat the procedures given in d through i
above, as necessary, until the ME-165/G power
meter indications are correct at both ends of the
B e extremely careful when making the
frequency range.