TM 11-6625-333-15
applicable cleaning and refinishing practices spec-
two thin coats of paint on the bare metal to
ified in TB 746-10.
protect it from further corrosion Refer to the
and maintained on this equipment are specified in
3-9. Organizational Preventive Maintenance
TM 38-750.
a. Preventive maintenance is the systematic
c a r e , inspection, and servicing of equipment to
3-10. Monthly Maintenance
m a i n t a i n it in serviceable condition, prevent
Perform the maintenance functions indicated in
breakdowns, and assure maximum operational
t h e monthly preventive maintenance checks and
capability. Preventive maintenance is the respon-
sibility of all categories of maintenance concerned
A month is defined as approximately 30 cal-
w i t h the equipment and includes the inspection,
e n d a r days of 8-hour-per-day operation. If the
testing, and repair or replacement of parts, subas-
equipment is operated 16 hours a day, the
s e m b l i e s or units that inspection and tests indi-
monthly preventive maintenance checks and
cate would probably fail before the next scheduled
s e r v i c e s should be performed at 15-day inter-
p e r i o d i c service. Preventive maintenance checks
a n d services of the equipment at the organiza-
v a l s . Adjustment of the maintenance interval
must be made to compensate for any unusual
tional category of maintenance are made at
operating conditions. Equipment maintained in a
monthly intervals unless otherwise directed by the
s t a n d b y (ready for immediate operation) condi-
commanding officer. The preventive maintenance
t i o n must have monthly preventive maintenance
checks and services should be scheduled concur-
checks and services performed on it. Equipment
r e n t l y with the periodic service schedule of the
in limited storage (requires service before opera-
carrying vehicle for all vehicular installations.
tion) does not require monthly preventive mainte-
b. Maintenance forms and records to be used
3-11. Organizational Monthly Preventive Maintenance Checks and
Services Chart
Item to be inspected
Check to see that all publications are
DA PAM 310-4.
complete, serviceable, and current.
Check DA Pam 310-7 to determine if
DA Pam 310-7 and TM 38-7
new applicable MWO's have been
published. All URGENT MWO's must
be applied immediately. All NORMAL
MWO's must be scheduled.
Check all spare parts (operator and or-
Spare parts
ganizational) for general condition and
method of storage. No overstock
should be evident and all shortages
must be on valid requisitions.
Tighten loose bolts, nuts, and screws
Equipment hardware
that hold equipment. Replace missing
bolts, screws, nuts, and washers. Re-
place all badly burred screws, bolts,
and nuts which cannot be engaged or
turned with a screwdriver or wrench.
Signal and power cables and cords _ _ _ _ _ _ Dress all cables and cords neatly.
Miscellaneous items
Check to see that all items not required
for immediate use are properly stored.
Cable layout
Inspect cable layout and relocate cables
as necessary so that they are not en-
dangered by, and are not dangerous
to personnel.