TM 11-6625-333-15
(1) 28-volt direct current (dc) power source
to power a radiofrequency (rf) power source.
(6) Key the transmitter.
( 2 ) Telegraph key KY-116/U,or equivalent.
( 7 ) Compare the power indication on the
ME-165/G with the power indication on the AN/
URM-120; the indications should agree within 10
( 5 ) Necessary cable assemblies (such as,
R a d i o Frequency Cable Assembly CG-2340A/U,
( 8 ) Set the ME-165/G function switch to
or CG-2568A/U) to connect the equipment.
(9) Key the transmitter and rotate the
and perform the following:
ME-165/G ADJUST rotary control until the
( 1 ) Set the ME-165/G function switch to
meter indicates full scale.
( 1 0 ) Set the ME-165/G function switch to
at the lowest transmitting frequency.
M E - 1 6 5 / G meter does not indicate beyond the
(3) Key the transmitter.
mid point in the green segment of the dial.
( 4 ) Compare the power indication on the
d. The following chart specifies typical symp-
ME-165/G with the power indication on the AN/
toms of equipment malfunction and procedures to
URM-120; the indications should agree within 10
be followed in connecting these troubles:
Checks and corrective measures
Probable trouble
Trouble symptom
a. Defectivc diode CR1__________a.
Check CR1.
No ME-165/G power meter indication
b. Defective R13, R16, or R17 ____ b. Check R13, R16, and R17 for open
on AN/URM-120-------------------
c. Defective capacitor C4__________ c. Check C4 for short circuit.
d. Defective function switch S1 -------- d. Check contacts and continuity of S1.
e. Defective Meter Ml___________ e. Check Ml by substitution
Meter linearity inaccurate at lower
Adjust meter linearity at low-frequen-
ME-165/G power indication not within 10
cy end.
percent of AN/URM-120 power indica-
tion at low frequency end.
Adjust meter linearity at high-frequen-
Meter linearity inaccurate at higher
ME-l65/G power indication not within 10
cy end.
percent of AN/URM-120 power indica-
tion at high-frequency end.
a. Defectivc diode CR2 ____________a. Check CR2.
No meter indication when function switch
is set to ADJUST --------------------- b. Defective R15, R22, or R23_________________b. Check R15, R22, and R23 for open
c. Defective function switch S1 ----- c. Check contacts of switch S1.
Resistor R18, R19, or R21 open or
Meter pointer reads beyond green segment
and R21.
of dial when function switch is set to
more than 3 percent out of tolerance.