TM 11-6625-441-34
d. Closeup.
(2) Close and secure the cover on the inter-
(l) Disconnect the Model 8100 from the in-
phone test set.
terphone test set.
Figure 4-1.
Test Set, Radio TS-1588 (*)/AIC resistance check connection diagram.
4-5. Electrical Tests
(3) Insure that the 28-volt dc power supply is
(4) Connect the red insulated power supply
a. Test Equipment and Materials. John Fluke
cable clip to the + 28V DC (positive pole) terminal.
(5) Connect the black insulated power supply
de power source are required to perform and ac-
cable clip to the --28V DC (negative pole) ter-
complish the electrical tests on the interphone test
set. No special materials are required.
c. Procedure. The electrical tests chart shows
b. Preparation.
the step-by-step procedures to be followed during
{1) Remove the cover from the interphone test
performance of the interphone test set electrical
(2) Set POWER-OFF switch S7 to OFF.