a. Carefully increase the output from the AN/
AN/URM-145 when the RED indicator goes out
G R M - 5 0 a n d note voltage indicated on the
and the GREEN indicator lights. This action
AN/URM-145 when the RED indicator goes out
must occur between 0.230 and 0.330 volt. De-
and the GREEN indicator lights. Check to be
crease the output of the AN/GRM-50 to 0 volt;
sure that the output is still 5.65 mc 100 cps and
use the fine attenuator.
that the change in indicator occurs between 0.125
e. Turn the selector switch to 9.
and 0.250 volt.
f. Carefully increase the output from the AN/
f. Remove temporary connections A and B (fig.
GRM-50 and note the voltage indicated on the
34.6) and make temporary connection C. Adjust
AN/URM-145 when the RED indicator goes out
the AN/GRM-50 for an output of 5.65 mc 20
and the GREEN indicator lights. This action
kc, as indicted on the AN/USM-26, and decrease
must occur between 0.100 and 0.140 volt. De-
the output to 0 volt, using the fine attenenuator.
crease the output of the AN/GRM-50 to 0 volt;
g. Turn the selector switch to 15.
use the fine attenuator.
h. Carefully increase the output from the AN/
g. Turn the selector switch to 13.
GRM-50 and note the voltage indicated on the
h. Carefully increase the output from the AN/
AN/URM-145 when the RED indictor goes out
GRM-50 and note the voltage indicated on the
and the GREEN indictor lights. This action
AN/URM-145 when the RED indicator goes out
must occur between 0.200 and 0.250 volt. De-
and the GREEN indicator lights. This action
crease the output of the AN/GRM-50 to 0 volt,
must occur between 0.180 and 0.250 volt. De-
using the fine attenuator.
crease the output of the AN/GRM50 to 0 volt;
i. Turn the selector switch to 16.
use the fine attenuator.
j. Carefully increase the output from the AN/
i. Turn the selector switch to 14.
GRM-50 and note the voltage indicated on the
AN/URM-145 when the RED indicator goes out
j. Carefully increase the output from t h e
and the GREEN indicator lights. This action
AN/GRM-50 and note the voltage indicated on
must occur between 0.170 and 0.210 volt. De
the AN/URM- 145 when the RED indicator goes
crease the output of the AN/GRM-50 to 0 volt;
out and the GREEN indicator lights. This action
use the fine lttenuator.
must occur between 0.012 and 0.016 volt. De-
k. Turn the selector switch to 17.
crease the output of the AN/GRM-50 to 0 volt;
L Carefully increase the output from the AN/
use the fine attenuator.
GRM-50 and note the voltage indticated on the
69. Amplifier, 47. 0-MC, Test
AN/URM-145 when the RED indicator goes out
(fig 34.5)
and the GREEN indicator lights. This action
must occur between 0.650 and 0.810 volt. De-
a. See that the special junction box is connected
crease the output of the AN/GRM-50 to 0 volt;
between the UG-274B/U and the probe assembly
use the fine attenuator.
(with the AN/URM-145 connected to the special
junction box), that the output of the AN/GRM-
68. Amplifier, 11.5-Mc, Tests
50 is connected to the UG-274B/U, and that the
(fig. 84.6)
AN/USM-26 is connected direct to the UG-
a. See that the special junction box is connected
274 B/U (fig. 34.6).
between the UG-274B/U and the probe assembly
b. Adjust the AN/GRM-50 for an output o f
(with the AN/URM-145 connected to the special
47.0 mc 100 kc, as indicated on the AN/USM-
junction box), that the output of the AN/GRM-
26; and decrease the output to 0 volt; use the-fine
50 is connected to the UG-274B/U, and that the
AN/USM-26 is connected direct to the UG
c. Turn the selector switch to 18.
b. Adjust the AN/GRM-50 for an output of
d. Carefully increase the output from the AN/
GRM-50 and note the voltage indicated on the
11.6 mc 40 kc, as indicated on the AN/USM-26,
AN/URM-145 when the RED indicator goes out
and dEcrease the output to 0 volt; use the fine
and the GREEN indicator lights. This action
must occur between 0.100 and 0.135 volt. De
c. Turn the selector switch to 7.
crease the output of the AN/GRM-50 to 0 volt;
d. Carefully increase the output from the AN/
use the fine attenuator.
GRM-50 and note the voltage indicated on the
AGO 8834A