l. Carefully increase the output from the PP-
3514/U and note the voltage indicated on the
AN/USM-98 when the RED indicator goes out
and the GREEN indicator lights. This action
must occur between 13.00 and 14.70 volts dc. De-
crease the output of the PP-3514/U to 0 volt dc.
m. Remove the PP-3514/U, the special junc-
tion box, and the AN/USM-98 from the TS-1777/
VRM-1 probe assembly.
66. Audio Voltage Test
(fig. 34.5)
a. Adjust the TS-421/U output to 1,000 cps
30 as indicated on the AN/USM-26, and de-
crease the output to 0 volt; use the fine attenuator
b. Using the special junction box, connect the
TS-421/U to the TS-1777/VRM-l probe assem-
bly and connect the ME-30A/U across the probe
tip and probe the ground connector.
c. Turn the TS-I777/VRM-1 selector switch
to 10.
d. Carefully increase the output from the TS-
421/U and note the voltage indicated on the ME-
30A/U when the RED indicator goes out and the
GREEN indicator lights. This action must occur
between 0.200 and 0.250 volt. Decrease the out-
Figure 34.3. (Added) Input test setup, block diagram.
g. Carefully increase the output from the PP
3514/U and note the voltage indicated on the
AN/USM-98 when the RED indicator goes out
and the GREEN indicator lights. This action
must occur between 19.00 and 21.80 volts dc.
Decrease the output of the PP-3514/U to 0 volt
h. Turn the selector switch to 8.
i. Carefully increase the output from the PP-
3514/U and note the voltage indicated on the
AN/USM-98 when the RED indicator goes out
and the GREEN indicator lights. This action
must ocur between 9.90 and 11.20 volts dc.
j. Continue to increase the output from the
PP-3514/U and note the voltage indicated on the
AN/USM-98 when the GREEN indicator goes
out and the RED indicator lights. This action
must occur between 12.70 and 14.20 volts dc.
Decrease the output of the PP-3514/U to 0 volt
k. Turn the selector switch to 19.
Figure 34.1 (Added) Output tests setup, block diagram