Figure 8. Line voltage sensing circuit, schematic diagram.
audio amplifier
diode CR7901 is also applied through ter-
(c) In Positions 7, 9, 13, and 14
minal B of connectors J7907 and P7801 to
nections are made through ter-
the line voltage sensing circuit consisting
minal H of connectors J7906 and
of resistors R7817, R7818, and R7819,
P7601 to supply power to the
rheostat R8716, capacitor C7802, unijunc-
11.5-mc amplifier and through
t i o n transistor Q7806, and dc switch
terminal C of connectors J7905
CR7803. The operation of this circuit is
and P7401 to diode CR7402 .
(d) In positions 12, 15, 16, and 17.
c. If tie power source voltage is above
its minimum limit of +22 volts dc, +16
Connections are made through
volts dc is applied through terminal A of
terminal L of connectors J7904
and P7701 to the 5.65-mc ampli-
connectors P7801 and J7907 to the follow-
fier and through terminal A of
ing places:
(1) Terminal F of connectors J7907
connectors J7905 and P7401 to
and P7801 to supply power for the
diode CR7403.
Schmitt trigger circuit.
(e) In position 18. Connections are
(2) Terminal K of connectors J7907
made through terminal D of con-
and P7801 to supply power to the
nectors J7904 and P7701 to the
voltage supply limits sensing cir-
47.0-mc amplifier and through
terminal D of connectors J7905
(3) One side of RED indicator lamp
and P7401 to diode CR7401.
DS7901 and GREEN indicator lamp
d. When +16 volts dc is applied to diode
DS7902. The other sides of the
CR7401, CR7402, or CR7403, it is fed
lamps are connected through ter-
through terminal B of connectors P7401
m i n a l s E and D of connectors
and J7905 and through terminal K of
J7907 and P7801 to the collectors
connectors J7903 and P7501. The voltage
of transistors Q7804 and Q7805,
is applied through inductor L7501, through
respectively, in the Schmitt trigger
terminal F of connectors P7501 and J7903,
through inductor L7302 and across filter
(4) Switch S7902E.
capacitor C7302 to supply power to the test
(a) In positions A, 2, and 8. No con-
nections are made.
13. Selector Switch Position A
(b) In positions 3,4,5,6, 10, and 11.
A connection is made through
When the selector switch is in position
terminal H of connectors J7905
A, either a +16-volt dc point on the unit
and P7401 to supply power to the