11, the high-level audio output from module
minimum limit, GREEN indicator DS7902
A5100 can be tested. The operation is sim-
will light. If the signal voltage is below the
minimum limit, insufficient voltage will be
that resistor R7909, which has a resis-
applied to the Schmitt trigger circuit, and
tance of 243K, is used in place of R7903.
RED indicator DS7901 will light. Operat-
ing voltages are supplied to the 11.5-mc
22. Selector Switch Position 12
amplifier and Schmitt trigger circuit from
the +16-volt dc regulated line. Operating
When the selector switch is in position
voltage is supplied to the test probe rf
12, the 5.65-mc output of module A3500
can be tested. The signal from the test
ulated line through diode CR7402 and rf
choke L7501.
coupling capacitor C7901 and 5.65-mc
18. Selector Switch Position 8
filter FL7501 to the 5.65-mc amplifier.
The rectified output of the 5.65-mc am-
When the selector switch is in position
plifier is applied to the Schmitt trigger
8, a. +12-volt dc point on assembly A8000
circuit. If the signal voltage is above the
can be tested. The tested voltage is con-
minimum limit, GREEN indicator DS7902
nected through rf choke L7301 to
will light. If the signal voltage is below the
the voltage supply limits sensing circuit.
minimum limit, insufficient voltage will
The output from the voltage supply limb
be applied to the Schmitt trigger circuit,
sensing circuit is applied to the Schmitt
and RED indicator DS7901 will light.
trigger circuit. If the tested voltage is
Operating voltage for the 5.65-mc ampli-
within limits, GREEN indicator DS7902
fier and Schmitt trigger circuit is supplied
will light. If the tested voltage is not be-
from the +16-volt de regulated line. Oper-
tween minimum and maximum limits, in-
ating voltage for the test probe rf pream-
sufficient voltage will be applied to the
plifier is supplied from the +16-volt dc
Schmitt trigger circuit, and RED indicator
regulated line through diode CR7403 and rf
choke L7501.
DS7901 will light. Operating voltages are
supplied to the voltage supply limits
sensing and Schmitt trigger circuits from
23. Selector Switch Position 13
the +16-volt dc regulated line.
When the selector l switch is in position
19. Selector Switch Position 9
13, the limited 11.5-mc output of module
A4200 can be tested. The operation is
When the selector switch is in position 9,
except that resistor R7901, which has a
the ll.5-mc output of module A8100 can
be tested. The operation is similar to
of 475 ohms, is used in place of R7907.
24. Selector Switch Position 14
When the selector switch is in position
20. Selector Switch Position 10
14, the output of module A3100 can be
tested. The operation is similar to that of
When the selector switch is in position
10, the audio input to module A5100 can
not used (shorted).
be tested. The operation is similar to that
25. Selector Switch Position 15
is not used (shorted).
21. Selector Switch Position 11
When the selector switch is in position
15, the 5.65-mc output of module A3500
can be tested. The signal from the test
When the selector switch is in position