Q7804 through R7809, causes Q7804 to cut
off. When transistor Q7804 is cut off, the
sistor Q7801 is biased into conduction, it
voltage at the base of dc switching tran-
provides a much lower path to ground than
s i s t o r Q7805 is increased. Transistor
the diode network, and the diode network
Q7805 starts conducting and causes a
is effectively removed from the circuit.
through R7815, CR7802, Q7805, and GREEN
10. Schmitt Trigger Circuit
indicator lamp DS7901 and causes DS7901
to light.
The Schmitt trigger circuit consists of a
d. Resistors R7806 and R7808 and lamps
dc amplifier, a Schmitt trigger, a dc switch,
DS7902 and DS7901 are the collector loads
and a pair of indicator lamps. The circuit
for Q7802 through Q7805 respectively.
is used in all positions of selector switch
Resistor R7807 is the emitter-base bias
resistor for Q7802. Resistor R7811 es-
a. Transistor Q7802 is an emitter-fol-
tablishes the emitter bias for Q7803 and
lower, dc amplifier. Transistors Q7803
Q7804. Resistors R7809 and R7812 estab-
and Q7804 form the schmitt trigger. Tran-
lish the base bias for Q7804, and R7813
sistor Q7805 is used as a dc switch.
and R7814 establish the base bias for
Q7805. Resistor R7815 establishes the
b. In the absence of an input signal (de)
emitter bias for Q7805. Diode CR7802 pre-
or when a small input signal is present,
vents any small signal present at the base
transistor Q7804 conducts and transistors
o f transistor Q7805 from biasing the
Q7802, Q7803, and Q7805 are cut off.
transistor into conduction while Q7804 is
Transistor Q7804 conducts and a relatively
conducting. When Q7805 is conducting,
low-resistance path to ground is estab-
diode CR7802 presents a very small im-
lished through R7811, Q7804, and RED
pedance to the current.
indicator 1amp DS7902, causing lamp
DS7902 to light.
11. Line Voltage Sensing Circuit
C. When a large input signal (de) is ap-
plied to the base of Q7802, the transistor
s biased into conduction. Since the base of
The line voltage sensing circuit consists
Q7803 in the Schmitt trigger is directly
connected to the emitter of Q7802, tran-
a dc switch which senses the minimum
sistor Q7803 is also biased into conduction.
limit of the power source voltage for the
When Q7803 conducts, the voltage at the
TS-1777/VRM-l. The circuit is used when-
base of Q7803 decreases. This decreased
ever power is applied to the TS-1777/
voltage, which is applied to the base of
Figure 6. Voltage supply limits sensing circuit, schematic diagram.