TM 11-6625-828-45
i. Loosen the locknuts on c M meter sensitivity
in its place. Temporarily replace resistor R143 with a
20,000-ohm resistor.
locknuts located beneath the R unit (fig. 3-1), and adjust
(2)Set variable resistor R138 (fig. 2-2) to its midtravel
R215 until %M mete M102 indicates 30 percent (green
position and set the DEMOD control on the front panel to
line). If R2; does not have sufficient range to obtain the
its midtravel position.
met, reading; replace resistor R220 (fig. 2-2) with resistor
(3) Set the MODULATION switch to OMNI.
of different value within the range , 100 ohms to 1,000
(4) Connect the course checker to the test set
ohms and again adjust R2] as required.
DEMOD connector.
b. 0 Track Alignment. Check the alignment of the
j. Lock sensitivity control R215 in its adjusted
0 track as follows:
(1) Set the test set OMNI TRACK switch zero-
3-12. 30- Phase Angle Adjustment
degree. Set the course checker COURSE switch to the
a. Preliminary. The procedure given in (1) through
0.0 position.
(4) below must be performed before proceeding to b
course checker DEGREES meter indicates 0.0. Note
the resistance value reading on the decade resistance
test set and connnect a decade resistance box
Figure 3-8(1). Location of alignment components, tone wheel generator