TM 11-6625-2632-14-1
The operator will perform the organizational maintenance procedures itemized in this
chapter. All other test set repairs will be referred to general support category.
organizational maintenance are listed below. Repair
parts and special tools are listed in TM
Preventive maintenance for commanders is
1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 2 6 3 2 - 2 4 P - 1 , and the maintenance
contained in DA Pam 750-1.
3-1. Scope of
a . TooIs. Tool Kit, Electronic Equipment
The maintenance duties of the operator are to
perform a prescribed sequence of preventive
b . Test Equipment. No test equipment is
maintenance checks and services. The preventive
required for organizational maintenance.
maintenance procedures are the systematic care,
3-3 Materials Required for Maintenance
servicing, and inspection of equipment to prevent
the occurrence of trouble and to reduce downtime
by detecting and correcting the onset of trouble.
These checks and services are to maintain Army
electronic equipment in a combat serviceable and
e. Dishwashing compound or detergent.
mission ready condition.
f . Fungus removal solution (NSN 6850-00-
b. Preventive maintenance checks and services
142- 9247).
g. Primer, zinc chromate.
h. Paint, grey, gloss (color number 16473 per
Fed Std 595).
3-2. Tools and Test Equipment Required
Tools and test equipment required required for
Section II.
e. Apply one coat of topcoat to the area to be
3-4. Touchup Painting Instructions
a. The outside of the case and cover of Radio
painted. Allow to dry thoroughly. Refer to the
a p p l i c a b l e cleaning and refinishing practices
Test Set AN/PRM-32A should be repainted if
specified in TB 43-0118.
they become scratched or blistered.
b. Thoroughly clean the AN/PRM-32A (para
3-5. Painting and Refinishing Precautions
3-7). Allow to
dry thoroughly.
Do not paint any of the areas-listed below.
c. Remove rust and corrosion from metal sur-
a. Identification plates.
faces by sanding them lightly with fine sandpaper.
b. Rubber channel.
d. Apply one coat of primer to bare metal
c. Elbow catch.
d. Interior surfaces.