TM 11-6625-2632-14
The following publications contain information applicable to the maintenance of Radio Set AN/PRM-32.
AR 746-5
Color, Marking, and Preparation of Equipment for Shipment of Army Materiel.
DA Pam 310-4
Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Manuals (types 7, 8, and 9),
Supply Bulletins, and Lubrication Orders.
DA Pam 310-7
US Army Equipment Index of Modification Work Orders.
SB 11-573
Painting and Preservation Supplies Available for Field Use for Electronics Command
SB 38-100
Preservation, Packaging, Packing and Marking Materials, Supplies, and Equipment Used
by the Army.
SC 5180-91-CL-R13
Sets, Kits, and Outfits Components List: Tool Kit, Electronic Equipment TK-101/G.
SC 5180-91-CL-S21
Sets, Kits, and Outfits Components List: Tool Kit, Electronic Equipment TK-100/G.
TB 746-10
Field Instructions for Paint ing and Preserving Electronics Command Equipment.
TB 750-236
Calibration Requirements for the Maintenance of Army Materiel
TM 38-750
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS).
TM 740-90-1
Administrative Storage of Equipment.
TM 750-244-2
Procedures for Destruction of Electronic Materiel to Prevent Enemy U
(Electronics Command).