TM 11-6625-2632-14
Explanation of Format for Maintenance
obtain the measurement times approximate those found
Allocation Chart
in typical TOE units. Active repair time is the average
Purpose and use of the format are as follows:
aggregate time required to restore an item
a. Column 1. Group Number. Column 1 lists
(subassembly, assembly, component, module, end item
group numbers, the purpose of which is to match
or system) to a serviceable condition under typical field
components, assemblies, subassemblies and modules
operating conditions. This time includes preparation
with the next higher assembly.
time, fault isolation/diagnostic time, and QA/QC time in
addition to the time required to perform specific
b. Column 2. Functional Group. Column 2 lists the
maintenance functions identified for the tasks authorized
next higher assembly group and the item names of
in the maintenance allocation chart.
This time is
components, assemblies, subassemblies and modules
expressed in man-hours and carried to one decimal
within the group for which maintenance is authorized.
place (tenths of hours).
c. Column 3. Maintenance Function. Column 3
f. Column 4, Tools and Equipment . This column
lists the twelve maintenance functions defined in
specifies, by code, those tools and test equipments
paragraph B-2. Each maintenance function required for
required to perform the designated function.
an item shall be specified by the symbol among those
g. Column 5, Remarks. Self-explanatory.
listed in d below which indicates the level responsible for
the required maintenance. Under this symbol there shall
be listed an appropriate work measurement time value
Explanation of Format for Tool and Test
determined as indicated in e below.
Equipment Requirements
d. Use of Symbols. The following symbols shall be
a. Tools and Equipment . The numbers used in the
used to prescribe work function responsibility:
tools and equipment column of the maintenance
allocation chart indicate the applicable tool for the
maintenance function.
F-Direct Support
b. Maintenance Category.
The codes in this
H-General Support
column indicate the maintenance category normally
allocated the facility.
e. Work Measurement Time.
The active repair
c. Nomenclature. This column lists tools, test and
time required to perform the maintenance function is
maintenance equipment required to perform the
included directly below the symbol identifying the
maintenance functions.
category of maintenance. The manpower figures are
d. Federal Stock Number. This column lists the
developed under conditions (real or simulated)
Federal stock number of the specific tool or test
corresponding to those that are considered normal for
TOE units operating in the field. The skill levels used to
e. Tool Number. Not used.
(Next printed page is B-3)