TM 11-6625-2632-14
Figure 5-6. Receiver wire fabrication details.
Figure 5-7. Wrench fabrication details.
age to the case, cover assembly, or panel of Radio Test
b. Cable Assembly.
A replacement cable
Set AN/PRM-32 should be performed if required. Such
assembly can be made locally from repair parts as
repair consists of straightening out dents, and repainting.
b. Cover Assembly (fig. 5-2). The
hinge (8) and
strike plate (9) are each fastened to the cover assembly
replacement receiver wire can be made locally.
(4) with two rivets (10). Remove the rivets and replace
the hinge or strike plate by riveting the replacement part
Whenever the receiver wire is replaced,
in position.
c. Case (fig. 5-2). The
elbow catch (1) is
to the case (6) with two rivets (10). Remove the rivets
and replace the elbow catch by riveting the replacement
d. Wrench.
part in position.
replacement spanner wrench can be made locally.
5-13. Fabrication of Replacement Parts
5-14. Component Board Assembly Installation
The following parts may be fabricated by the general
support repairman:
and flat washers (13) and into detector housing
assembly (3).
a replacement neoprene gasket can be made locally.
b. Place stepped spacer (14) over each screw (11).