TM 11-6625-2709-40
(6) Replace the rear housing of the COMPASS
(1) Remove the rear housing of the COMPASS
SIMULATOR indicator.
SIMULATOR indicator.
g. Disconnect the equipment, and replace the front
(2) Loosen the three screws that hold synchro
panel on the test set.
B1 to the housing.
3-11. OBS Indicator Alignment.
( 3 ) Rotate the entire synchro until the
COMPASS SIMULATOR indicator needle points ex-
Refer to TM 11-5826-226-34 for alignment
actly to N.
procedures of Course Indicators ID-1347C/ARN-82
and ID-1346A/ARN-82.
(4) Tighten the three screws that hold synchro
B1 to the housing.
(5) Set the power switch on the control unit to
Refer to TM 11-5826-211-50 for alignment
procedures of RMI Indicator ID-250A/ARN.
3-7/(3-8 blank)