TM 11-6625-333-15
The ME-l65/G is designed as a ready-to-go equipment; therefore, detailed unpacking
procedures do not apply.
2-1. Checking Unpacked Equipment
Control or indication
a. Inspect the equipment for damage that may
ADJUST . . . . . . . . Used in conjunction with AD-
JUST rotary control to
have been incurred during shipment. If the unit has
calibrate m e t e r f o r v s w r
been damaged, fill out and forward DD Form 6.
b. Check to see that the equipment is complete as
SWR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Used to indicate vswr between
Iisted on the packing slip. Report all discrepancies in
transmitter and its load.
accordance with TM 38-750.
OPERATE. . . . . . . . . . . Connects power output of tran-
smitter directly to load.
ADJUST rotary control . . Used in conjunction with func-
Shortage of a minor assembly or part that
tion switch to calibrate meter
does not affect proper functioning of the
for vswr measurements.
equipment should not prevent use of the
INPUT connecter . . . . Used as conception for amplifier
OUTPUT connector . . . . . Used to apply rf output to radio
c. If the equipment has been used or reconditioned,
check to see whether it has been changed by a
METER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provides visual indication of
modification work order (MWO). If the equipment
average output power in watts,
has been modified, the MWO number should appear
or vswr depending on position
on the front panel near the nomenclature plate.
of function switch.
Check to see whether the MWO number (if any) and
appropriate notations concerning the modifications
have been written into the equipment manuals.
Current MWO's applicable to the equip-
more radio sets are close together, coor-
ment are listed in DA Pam 310-7.
dinate tuning operations so that one radio
set is not transmitting while the function
2-2. Controls and Indicators
switch of the ME-165/G in the other radio
(fig. l-l)
set is set to SWR. Power radiated from a
The designation and function of the various controls
nearby antenna can burn out the dummy
and indicators of the ME-165/G are described in the
load resistor in the ME-165/G.
chart below.
a. Place the ME-165/G function switch at POWER
Control or indicator
Connects transmitter power out-
with standard operating procedures.
put to dummy load; power out-
c. Note that the ME-165/G indicates the tran-
smitter power output.
on meter.
Change 1