TM 11-6625-333-15
3-5. Operator Daily Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Chart (cont.)
Signal cables and wires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspect cables for fraying or damaged insulation.
Inspect for defective connections with strained
wires. Tighten any loose plugs and connections.
Jacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Inspect mechanical action of each jack by inserting a
Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Make sure that all threaded hardware is not nicked,
burred, or otherwise marred.
Controls and indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . While making the operating checks (sequence No. 8),
observe that mechanical action of each knob, dial,
and switch is smooth and free of external or
internal binding and that no excessive looseness
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Operate equipment according to appropriate
instructions. Report any operational failure of
equipment. Replace defective items for which
running spares are authorized.
dampen the cloth with water; mild soap may be used
for more effective cleaning.
Inspect the exterior of the equipment. The exterior
e. Remove dust from around terminal boards and
surfaces should be clean, and free of dust, dirt,
other small components by using a properly shaped
brush to loosen the accumulation. If available, dry
grease, and fungus.
a. Remove dust and loose dirt with a clean, soft
compressed air may be used at a line pressure not to
exceed 60 pounds-per-square inch (psi) to remove
dust from inaccessible places; however, be careful or
Adequate ventilation should be provided
mechanical damage from the airblast may result.
3-7. Operator Troubleshooting
LUOROETHANE. Prolonged breathing of
Whenever an equipment trouble occurs, make a
vapor should be avoided. The solvent
visual inspection of all equipment controls and cable
should not be used near heat or open flame;
the products of decomposition are toxic and
connections before performing any detailed trouble-
shooting procedures. The following visual checks
irritating. Since TRICHLOROTRIF-
L U O R O E T H A N E dissolves natural oils,
should be made by the operator to determine the
p r o l o n g e d contact with skin should be
possible cause of malfunction.
avoided. When necessary, use gloves which
a. Check all equipment controls for proper posi-
the solvent cannot penetrate. If the solvent
b. If necessary, check to see that all signal and
i s taken internally, consult a physician
power cable arrangements are correctly located and
b. Remove grease, fungus, and ground-in dirt from
c. Perform other visual checks as indicated in the
the equipment case; use a cloth dampened (not wet)
with trichloroethane.
d. If the trouble is not apparent, or the above
c. Remove dust or dirt from plugs and jacks with a
checks do not reveal the cause of malfunctioning,
higher category maintenance is required.
Do not press on the meter face (glass) when
3-8. Touchup
Painting Instructions
cleaning, the meter may become damaged.
Clean rust and corrosion from metal surfaces by
d. Clean the front panel, meter, and control knobs
lightly sanding t h e m with fine s a n d p a p e r . Brush
with a soft, clean cloth. If dirt is difficult to remove,
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